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Amazon Ad Server Advanced Certification Exam Answers

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Amazon Ad Server Advanced Exam Quiz Answers

  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Geo: Italy Site Keywords: events
  • Site Keywords Retargeting: Exposed to “Landing Page” Retargeting: Exposed to “Purchased”
  • Retargeting: Exposed to: Purchased Geo: Italy Browser: Safari
  • Retargeting: Exposed to: Purchased + Geo: Italy
  • In ‘Settings,’ click ‘Search’ and then ‘Add.’
  • Select a vendor – either Google Ads or Bing Ads. Click Authorize to grant permission for SAS to view and manage search accounts.
  • Choose the Brand, Integration type, and tracking options.
  • The Add New Integration window appears with search accounts. Select one or more accounts and select the appropriate brand.
  • He can scan for global JavaScript variables and query string parameters
  • He can scan for global JavaScript variables only
  • He can scan for query string parameters only
  • determine which creative elements go with which target audience
  • serve Instream and Banner format at the same time
  • get real time impression data in Visual Analytics
  • Create Global Variables and activity parameters on the Global Conversion Activity before assigning them to Local Advertisers.
  • Define the Global Tag Manager under the global advertiser.
  • Create a Search Integration on the advertiser level.
  • Define a Global Advertiser under the Native Account.
  • Variable Name
  • URL Query String Param
  • Data Layer Variable
  • Variable Name in Data Layer

Variable obtained from the URL query string of the web page where the Tag Manager is implemented. (1)

An internal name that will appear in the Variables list. (2)

Variable passed to SAS by the advertiser using the Data Layer object that exists on the web page where the tag manager is implemented. (3)

This is the name of the variable on the web page where the Tag Manager is implemented. (4)

  • Create a Data Layer variable to understand data in locales under the global user
  • Create a global conversion activity
  • Set up the activity parameter of each country
  • Both
  • At the end of the campaign to use learnings for her next campaign
  • At the middle of the campaign to update the strategy as needed
  • Select the different attribution model for reporting in the reporting dashboard.
  • This cannot be done.
  • Adjust the primary model account attribution settings first, then run the report.
  • Go to each advertiser’s account and delete the primary attribution model.
  • Activity Rules
  • Advertisers
  • Conversion Activities
  • Tag Managers
  • False
  • True
  • Account Administrator
  • Primary Creative Manager
  • Super User
  • Campaign Manager
  • File format
  • Headers
  • Delimiters
  • Report history
  • Click the Chrome extension icon and select Retargeting Cookie Analyzer.
  • Navigate to a web page.
  • View pane that appears and displays the cookies for your browser navigation history.
  • Log into SAS.
  • Click Tracking Token
  • Publisher Custom Parameter
  • Impression Tracking Token
  • Line ID
  • Interaction Feed
  • Site Activity Feed
  • Standard Feed
  • Conversion Feed
  • SAS is automatically adding subtitles to Juan’s video
  • SAS is automatically converting your video assets to final serving variants
  • SAS is automatically dubbing a video to selected languages
  • SAS is automatically sending the video to all of Juan’s publishers
  • True
  • False
  • An online retailer wants to serve ads to customers who have shown interest to a new novel in the past.
  • A music store wants to place one advertisement for a guitar on its website.
  • A toy store wants to serve several new characters to parents with children in a specific age range.
  • An autobody store wants to advertise a new promotion to audiences near all its locations.
  • Version UI
  • Spreadsheet
  • Feed
  • Do nothing, it is done automatically
  • Re-generate the placement tag
  • Reinforce the inheritance by resetting and resaving the transcoding setting and the master ad
  • [$$TestVariable$$]
  • [&TestVariable&]
  • [%TestVariable%]
  • {%TestVariable%}
  • Using a retargeting activity with the destination variable values of “New York,” “Paris,” and “Berlin”
  • Using a third-party activity with the condition of a variable destination equals to “New York” or “Paris” or “Berlin”
  • Using conversion activity with the activity parameter of destination
  • Using an activity rule with the IF section condition of variable destination equals to “New York” or “Paris” or “Berlin”
  • Adding new formats to her ads
  • Changing her target audience
  • Updating her product content
  • Reaching multiple audiences with dynamic elements
  • Achieved by attaching conversion activities from local agencies
  • Not possible
  • Achieved automatically
  • Achieved by selecting the Attribute Conversions button
  • Run a promotion on tire sales
  • To market the newest model in his inventory
  • To drive more people to his website
  • Reach drivers based on their preferred car model
  • Advanced Trafficking
  • Simple Trafficking
  • Aggregated Report
  • Path to Conversion report
  • Raw Data Feed
  • Bike Model 1: Geo – All Europe Bike Model 2: Retargeting – Bike Purchases
  • Bike Model 1: Contextual – Bikes Bike Model 2: Retargeting – Not Exposed to Purchased
  • *Bike Model 1: Geo – Switzerland and Retargeting – Not Exposed to Landing Page Bike Model 2: Geo – Switzerland and Retargeting – Exposed to Purchased*
  • Bike Model 1: Geo – All Europe Bike Model 2: Retargeting – Exposed to Purchased
  • 1
  • Unlimited
  • 5
  • As many as you set in the primary model
  • Geo targeting
  • Sequence targeting
  • Retargeting
  • Contextual targeting
  • Social media Integrations: Facebook/ Instagram Ads
  • Google/ Bing Ads
  • Adobe/ IOs Ads
  • True
  • False
  • False
  • True
  • A cosmetic brand has a new collection with several items. They have different versions for each of them, but the audience would be the same.
  • A cosmetic brand with stores on multiple locations wants to serve specific version to audiences near those stores/locations.
  • A cosmetic brand wants to display items based on buyers’ preferences and avoid items they may already own.
  • Understanding the media buy and campaign goals
  • Creating relevant audiences
  • Creating a media plan
  • Creating the campaign
  • Automatic Optimization
  • Time-Based
  • Time-Sensitive
  • Even Distribution
  • Demographic prospecting campaign
  • Campaign optimization campaign
  • Behavioural prospecting campaign
  • Product-based campaign
  • Unique impressions
  • General Invalid Traffic impressions
  • Default Tracked Ads
  • Aggregated Interactions
  • Global JavaScript Variable
  • Data Layer Variable
  • Query String Variable
  • True
  • False
  • Time Spent on Page, Clicked Element
  • Referral URL, clicked element
  • Page URL, Number of session page views, User’s Browsing History, Referral URL
  • Page URL, User Browsing History
  • Tag Cookie Manager
  • Tag Tester Tool
  • Tag Manager Activity Reader
  • Tag Manager Variables
  • Includes a list of variables used to pass values to conversion, retargeting and third-party activities.
  • Can be used as a checklist for testing activity rules and related activities.
  • Shows existing activities linked to an advertiser for a better overview
  • Triggers activity rules according to the amount of time that a user spends on a page that implements the current tag manager.
  • Feed
  • Spreadsheet
  • Version UI
Conversionsfor CPA
Billing Impressionsfor CPM
Clicks (Net)for CPC
Impressions with Video Startfor CPV
Video Fully Playedfor CPCV
Impressions with Interactionfor CPE
  • All conversions are attributed to the Global Advertiser’s conversion activity
  • All conversions are attributed to the Local Advertiser’s conversion activity accordingly
  • All conversions are attributed to all Local Advertiser’s conversion activitiy
  • There is no attribution in the Global-Local structure
  • Marin and Kenshoo
  • any Y42 types
  • Krux and Tableau
  • 10
  • Each Native Account is allowed one Account Extension
  • Unlimited
  • Path to Conversion
  • Recent Activity Feed
  • Aggregated
  • Raw Data Feeds
  • Entire Coversion Activity
  • Conversion Activity parameter
  • Activity variable
  • Entire Retargeting activity
  • False
  • True
  • Alternate between accounts their Native Account is extended to
  • Switch to different advertisers within the account
  • Add “Switch Account” permission to other users
  • Switch to any account within SAS
  • Customer Success Managers at Amazon Ads
  • Campaign traffickers at publisher website
  • Native Account holders at customer agency
  • User’s Browsing History
  • Page URL
  • Clicked Element
  • Time Spent on Page
  • Add additional users and provide them global account permissions
  • Create a Native Account with 3 Account Extensions
  • Set up a Global Tag Manager and name each tag after its respective locale
  • Create a Global Advertiser entity then create Local Advertiser entities for all respective locales
  • Manual Tracking
  • Automatically Track New Campaigns
  • Track After Threshold
  • CPV
  • CPM
  • CPCV
  • CPE
  • All Global Conversions will be attributed locally.
  • Local Advertisers now have Global Advertiser settings with Activity Rules and Variables but not Conversion Activities.
  • The Local Advertisers will be able to review the global entities in a read-only mode.
  • Local entities will remain editable for both Global Advertiser users and local ones.
  • Network Account
  • Business Account
  • Extension Account
  • Native Account
  • They would like to add multiple users to the account
  • They want to access additional accounts other than their Native Account
  • They want to serve ads based on different account strategies
  • script type=”text/javascript” (function(e, s, t) { t = t || {}, t.id = e, versaTagObj = { $: [], onready: function(e) { this.$.push(e) } }; var n = s.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0], r = s.createElement(“script”); r.options = t, r.async = !0, r.src = “https://secure-ds.serving-sys.com/SemiCachedScripts/ebOneTag.js?id=” + e, r.options = t, n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n) })(“XXXXXXXXXX”, document, { dataLayer:”SizmekDataLayer” }); /script
  • script type=”text/javascript” (function(e, s, t) { t = t || {}, t.id = e, versaTagObj = { $: [], onready: function(e) { this.$.push(e) } }; var n = s.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0], r = s.createElement(“script”); r.options = t, r.async = !0, r.src = “https://secure-ds.serving-sys.com/SemiCachedScripts/ebOneTag.js?id=” + e, r.options = t, n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n) })(“XXXXXXXXXX”, document, { dispType:”iframe”,dataLayer:”SizmekDataLayer” }); /script
  • noscript iframe src=” https://bs.serving-sys.com/Serving?cn=ot&onetagid=XXXXXXXXX&ns=1&activityValues=$$Session=[Session]$$&dynamicRetargetingValues=$$$$&acp=$$$$” style=” display: none; width:0px; height:0px”>/iframe /noscript
  • script type=”text/javascript” (function(e, s, t) { t = t || {}, t.id = e, versaTagObj = { $: [], onready: function(e) { this.$.push(e) } }; var n = s.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0], r = s.createElement(“script”); r.options = t, r.async = !0, r.src = “https://secure-ds.serving-sys.com/SemiCachedScripts/ebOneTag.js?id=” + e, r.options = t,

n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n) })(“XXXXXXXXXX”, document, { ptcl:”http”,dispType:”iframe”,dataLayer:”SizmekLayer” }); /script

  • script type=”text/javascript” (function(e, s, t) { t = t || {}, t.id = e, versaTagObj = { $: [], onready: function(e) { this.$.push(e) } }; var n = s.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0], r =

s.createElement(“script”); r.options = t, r.async = !0, r.src = “https://secure-ds.serving-sys.com/SemiCachedScripts/ebOneTag.js?id=” + e, r.options = t, n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n)

})(“XXXXXXXXXX”, document, { ptcl:”http”,dataLayer:”SizmekDataLayer” }); /script

  • script type=”text/javascript” (function(e, s, t) { t = t || {}, t.id = e, versaTagObj = { $: [], onready: function(e) { this.$.push(e) } }; var n = s.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0], r =

s.createElement(“script”); r.options = t, r.async = !0, r.src = “https://secure-ds.serving-sys.com/SemiCachedScripts/ebOneTag.js?id=” + e, r.options = t, n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n)

})(“XXXXXXXXXX”, document, { dispType:”iframe”,dataLayer:”SizmekDataLayer” }); /script

  • script type=”text/javascript” (function(e, s, t) { t = t || {}, t.id = e, versaTagObj = { $: [], onready: function(e) { this.$.push(e) } }; var n = s.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0], r =

s.createElement(“script”); r.options = t, r.async = !0, r.src = “https://secure-ds.serving-sys.com/SemiCachedScripts/ebOneTag.js?id=” + e, r.options = t, n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n)

})(“XXXXXXXXXX”, document, { dataLayer:”SizmekDataLayer” }); /script

  • Anna can duplicate her template, set it up to include the data Jessica expects to review and then add Jessica as a recipient
  • Anna can copy the template over to Jessica’s user account directly in the SAS UI
  • Anna’s report template cannot be shared with another user
  • Tracking
  • In-banner
  • In-stream video
  • In-stream video tracking
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 5
  • They are all aggregated reports
  • They can be exported as .csv files
  • They are available in the form of a report builder
  • Report templates are available across all types
  • True
  • False
  • Retargeting: Exposed to: Purchased + Geo: Italy
  • Site Keywords Retargeting: Exposed to “Landing Page” Retargeting: Exposed to “Purchased”
  • Retargeting: Exposed to: Purchased Geo: Italy Browser: Safari
  • Geo: Italy Site Keywords: events
  • Contextual targeting
  • Sequence targeting
  • Retargeting
  • Geo targeting
  • Query String Variable
  • Data Layer Variable
  • Global JavaScript Variable
  • True
  • False
  • Click Tracking Token
  • Line ID
  • Impression Tracking Token
  • Publisher Custom Parameter
  • False
  • True
  • Navigate to a web page. (1)
  • Click the Chrome extension icon and select Retargeting Cookie Analyzer. (2)
  • Log into AAS (3)
  • View pane that appears and displays the cookies for your browser navigation history. (4)
  • Smart Items checklist
  • ConversionPath ID
  • Version ID

Introduction to Amazon Ad Server Advanced

Amazon Ad Server Advanced (AAS Advanced) typically refers to a more sophisticated or enhanced version of Amazon’s advertising server platform. While specifics can vary based on updates and new features, here are some general aspects that might characterize Amazon Ad Server Advanced:

  1. Enhanced Targeting Capabilities: It likely includes more advanced targeting options beyond basic demographics, such as behavioral targeting, contextual targeting, or even advanced predictive targeting based on machine learning algorithms.
  2. Advanced Analytics and Reporting: AAS Advanced would offer more detailed analytics and reporting tools compared to the standard version. This might include real-time analytics, custom reporting features, and deeper insights into campaign performance.
  3. Integration with Amazon Data: It would leverage Amazon’s extensive data resources (such as customer purchase history, browsing behavior, etc.) to offer more precise targeting and optimization options for advertisers.
  4. Cross-Platform Capabilities: AAS Advanced might provide the ability to manage and optimize advertising campaigns across various platforms and devices, ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience.
  5. Automation and Optimization: Advanced automation features such as AI-driven bidding strategies, automated campaign optimization, and predictive analytics to maximize campaign effectiveness and ROI.
  6. Customization and Flexibility: It would likely offer more customization options for ad formats, placements, and bidding strategies, catering to specific advertiser needs and objectives.
  7. Compliance and Security: Enhanced features for data privacy compliance, ad fraud detection, and ensuring brand safety across all advertising placements.

Overall, Amazon Ad Server Advanced would be designed to provide advertisers with more sophisticated tools and capabilities to effectively reach their target audiences and maximize their advertising investments on Amazon’s platform.

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