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Hubspot Software Marketing Certification Exam Answers

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Hubspot Software Marketing Certification Exam Answers

  • A strategy that focuses on using a software program to easily store and source a contact’s information, including their name, contact history, email information, and more.
  • A strategy that focuses on using only marketing software to easily store and source a contact’s information, including their name, contact history, email information, and so much more.
  • A strategy that focuses on using a software program to easily store and source company information specific to making a deal in the CRM.
  • A strategy that focuses on dividing marketing and sales to separate contact information and storing that information in a software platform.
  • Marketing automation
  • Inbound marketing
  • Lead nurturing
  • Marketing workflows
  • True
  • False
  • Identify current performance for your KPIs.
  • Create a project plan to meet your goals.
  • Identify your areas of opportunity.
  • All of the above
  • Marketing
  • Reports
  • Contacts
  • Automation
  • All of the above
  • True
  • False
  • Specify Tactics -> Define Business Goals -> Identify Indicators of Success (KPIs)
  • Identify Indicators of Success (KPIs) -> Define Business Goals -> Specify Tactics
  • Define Business Goals -> Specify Tactics -> Identify Indicators of Success (KPIs)
  • Identify Indicators of Success (KPIs) -> Specify Tactics -> Define Business Goals
  • Define Business Goals -> Identify Indicators of Success (KPIs) -> Specify Tactics
  • Monthly website traffic
  • Rate of visitors converted to contacts
  • Rate of contacts qualified to be handed over to sales
  • Individual sales users’ monthly quota
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • CMS
  • CMC
  • CRM
  • CMR
  • contextual conversations
  • content conversations
  • contextual pillar pages
  • outbound conversation
  • True
  • False
  • Marketing team
  • Sales team
  • Services team
  • A and B
  • A, B, and C
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Age range
  • Geographical location
  • Shoe size
  • Income range
  • Smart List report
  • Sources report
  • Conversations report
  • Top Personas report
  • 1–2
  • 3–5
  • 6–10
  • At least 10
  • Core topics, which will take the shape of your pillar page
  • Subtopics, such as blog posts or videos
  • Distribution channels, such as YouTube or Twitter
  • Internal hyperlinks
  • link all subtopics to the pillar page
  • only link the top 20 performing subtopics to the pillar page
  • link the pillar page to all relevant subtopics
  • A and C
  • B and C
  • Have 30% of your marketing leads attend an upcoming webinar.
  • Have thought leaders contribute to an upcoming ebook.
  • Increase sales qualified leads by 20% by the end of the year.
  • Generate 10 customers within the first week of an upcoming product launch.
  • Blog
  • Workflow
  • Content strategy
  • Email
  • True
  • False
  • In the campaign itself
  • In campaign analytics, under the reporting tool
  • Both of the above
  • None of the above: Campaign reporting is a default option in the marketing dashboard
  • Influenced contacts
  • Closed deals
  • New contacts (first touch)
  • A, B, and C
  • XLSX
  • XLS
  • PDF
  • CSV
  • True
  • False
  • It helps you attract new visitors
  • It helps you convert visitors into leads
  • It helps you report on your marketing funnel
  • It helps you personalize your website
  • In the Performance tab of that blog post
  • On your Marketing dashboard
  • In a contacts attribution report
  • In the Optimize tab of the blog post editor
  • Text-based call-to-action at the top
  • Image-based call-to-action at the bottom
  • At least one call-to-action per three paragraphs of text
  • A and B
  • A, B, and C
  • The Read more separator
  • The Preview button
  • The Content tab
  • There is no preview mode
  • A single page that covers all aspects of the topic, with room for more in-depth reporting
  • A pop-up form
  • The page typically encountered first on a website that usually contains links to the other pages of the site
  • Website pages that are designed to convert visitors into leads
  • Using a meetings link
  • Using a CTA
  • Using an email
  • Using a form
  • Chatbot, live chat, messaging app
  • Landing page, form, chatbot
  • Landing page, form, CTA, thank you page
  • Thank you page, messaging app, CTA, landing page
  • True
  • False
  • Contextually — ungate content when it makes the most sense for your business.
  • Always — forms are dead.
  • Never — pillar pages are a fad.
  • To gate or ungate is an illusion.
  • Copy, form, content offer
  • Headline, chatbot, form, video
  • Headline, copy, form, image
  • Copy, form, video, content
  • Images give visitors a tangible idea of what they’ll receive.
  • Images make landing pages much more visually dynamic.
  • Images can tell complex stories faster than words can.
  • A, B, and C
  • Visuals
  • Copy
  • Location
  • A, B, and C
  • ATC
  • CTA
  • CAT
  • TAC
  • Your buyer persona’s preferences
  • Your brand
  • Accessibility
  • A, B, and C
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Trick question! You should ask for all of a contact’s information up front so you can personalize every conversation moving forward.
  • The information you ask for should be a fair exchange for the content you’re offering.
  • Nobody has time to fill out a long form.
  • Short forms show that you don’t really want to learn more about a prospect.
  • A notification that your form has successfully published to your site
  • The code you use to embed your HubSpot form externally
  • A notification that is emailed to a set list of recipients when a visitor submits a form
  • The HubSpot tracking code installed to track and store your form submission data in your CRM
  • The total number of views for all the pages your form appears on that also have your HubSpot tracking code on them
  • The total number of submissions divided by the total number of views for the form
  • The total number of times the form has been submitted across all your pages
  • The total number of times your form appears across all your pages
  • Buyer personas
  • Your reports home
  • Deal records
  • Contact records
  • True
  • False
  • Forms help you gauge how interesting a piece of content is to your target audience.
  • Forms can help you disqualify leads.
  • With forms collecting information for you, you no longer need to talk to sales.
  • Form submissions can be used to boost the vanity metrics of your site.
  • A dynamic form that acts as CTA, landing page, and thank you page, all-in-one
  • A bot programmed to chat with prospects conversationally
  • A clickable element on a website page, blog post, or email that promotes and redirects visitors to an offer
  • An ungated piece of content
  • True
  • False
  • By the accounts you want to see engagements from
  • By going to Twitter to see the lists you’ve created in HubSpot
  • By conversations, so you can respond to audience comments
  • By interactions or click-like engagements with content that has been published in HubSpot
  • A contact list of followers you acquired from Twitter
  • A data list of keywords to monitor that appears after uploading a list of your Twitter contacts
  • A display of tweets that you developed in the social inbox to promote a specific campaign
  • A display of tweets that match pre-defined, saved searches on specific criteria
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Start from scratch, Center on a sales date, and Center on a date property
  • Start from scratch, Center on a marketing date, and Center on a date property
  • Start from scratch, Center on a date, and Center on a date property
  • Start from a contact property, Center on a date, and Center on a date property
  • Start from scratch
  • Center on a date
  • Center on a date property
  • Center on a sales date property
  • True
  • False
  • Creating filters for your contacts based on similarities
  • Creating a segment based on buyer personas
  • Breaking up your contacts into smaller groups of similar people
  • Creating a static list based on an imported list of contacts
  • Subscribers, leads, customers
  • Leads, prospects, opted-out customers
  • Subscribers, customers, users
  • Unsubscribers, users, customers
  • Saved filters, active lists, active filters
  • Static filters, active lists, active filters
  • Static filters, static lists, opted-out filters
  • Saved filters, active lists, static lists
  • Active list
  • Saved filter
  • Static list
  • Saved list
  • static
  • active
  • filtered
  • Moving
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • report on your individual marketing emails
  • review emails before sending them out
  • optimize your marketing emails
  • analyze your email marketing channel as a whole
  • True
  • False
  • Enabling a web version of your email gives recipients the option to open the email in a web browser if their email client doesn’t render it correctly.
  • Enabling a web version of your email helps you create SEO with your email copy.
  • Some email clients require a web version to render marketing emails.
  • You should not enable a web version of your email. This is not a best practice.
  • Add a list of contacts, add individual contacts, or save the email as a sales email.
  • Add a list of contacts, add individual contacts, or save the email as a services email.
  • Add a list of contacts, add individual contacts, or save the email for automation.
  • Add individual contacts, save the email for automation, or save the email as a transactional email.
  • True
  • False
  • Before a campaign
  • After a campaign
  • Throughout a campaign
  • Never
  • Setting the right goals
  • Identifying the correct success metrics
  • Having the correct analytics in place
  • A, B, and C
  • Using the initial URL a visitor uses when first landing on your site
  • Using the final URL a visitor uses when leaving your site
  • Using their social media profiles to contextualize their favorite platforms
  • Using Google Analytics
  • A resource that offers dozens of canned reports built around marketing best practices
  • A reporting add-on feature you can buy for an additional $300 a month
  • Dozens of canned reports that help you dig a little deeper into your data — only currently available to HubSpot Admins
  • The section of your public library where HubSpot developers sit when creating the HubSpot reporting tools
  • The core topic is featured in the URL
  • The core topic is featured in the H1
  • The core topic is featured in a video at the top of the page
  • The core topic is featured in the image alt text
  • True
  • False
  • Resource pillar page
  • Guide-type pillar page
  • Information-based pillar page
  • 10x content pillar page
  • Word doc
  • Google doc
  • Evernote file
  • PDF
  • Zen Mode
  • Text-Only Mode
  • Draft Mode
  • Inline Edit Mode
  • Managing navigation
  • Setting a logo
  • Choosing system pages
  • Setting a favicon
  • All of the above
  • The HubSpot CMS should only be used by one person at a time.
  • Delegation and organization are integral to managing web assets in the HubSpot CMS.
  • The HubSpot CMS automates collaboration so you don’t have to worry about it.
  • Marketers should defer to developers when it comes to CMS decisions.
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • A clickable element on a website page, blog post, or email that promotes and redirects visitors to an offer
  • A pop-up form
  • A snippet of text that Google serves on a search engine results page (SERP)
  • Anybody your company communicates with in the course of doing business
  • Because Jorie said so.
  • A call-to-action should inspire your visitors to take an action.
  • You don’t want a visitor to have to think too hard about what they can expect when clicking a button.
  • B and C
  • A pop-up form
  • A bot programmed to chat with prospects conversationally
  • A clickable element on a website page, blog post, or email that promotes and redirects visitors to an offer
  • An ungated piece of content
  • Experience — forms are inbound. Pop-up forms are outbound.
  • Location — forms only exist on landing pages. Pop-up forms only exist on pillar pages.
  • Forms can be used in the awareness, consideration, and decision stages of the buyer’s journey. Pop-up forms are only used in the decision stage of the buyer’s journey.
  • Experience — pop-up forms are a CTA, landing page, and thank you page all in one. Forms are part of a larger conversion path.
  • By interrupting a visitor browsing irrelevant content
  • By providing additional content or value
  • By redirecting users to an interesting offer or asset
  • By collecting information that can help you immediately personalize a visitor’s experience
  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Decision
  • All stages of the buyer’s journey
  • Using a free tool to develop great content
  • Knowing your buyer persona
  • Mapping your business goals to social objectives
  • Adding social media links to your website header and footer
  • Connecting your social media accounts in email
  • True
  • False
  • A session tracks if the HubSpot tracking code has loaded on a page.
  • A session tracks all the interactions a visitor is having across your site until they have been inactive for 30 minutes or more.
  • A session is anytime a visitor reaches your site from somewhere outside of your website domain.
  • A session is anytime a visitor shares one of your pages on social media.
  • True
  • False
  • Psychographic information
  • Demographic information
  • Both are equal
  • Neither. Your buyer personas are actual customers you’ve worked with.
  • 20
  • 300
  • 800
  • 1,500
  • True
  • False
  • Adding a call-to-action
  • Italicizing text
  • Inserting an H2 or H3 header
  • Calling out a quoted sentence
  • Templates and pages are the same thing.
  • To create a page, a marketer must first build a new template using the design manager.
  • Pages and templates are unrelated.
  • Pages are created from templates, which can be built in the design manager or downloaded from the marketplace.
  • Any template in the marketplace will be a great fit for your content.
  • A web developer is recommended for best results.
  • Learning to select the best templates for your needs can help your organization build great pages faster.
  • The most important consideration when selecting templates is brand alignment.
  • True
  • False
  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Decision
  • A, B, and C
  • Manage and Report
  • Manage and Analyze
  • Post-Send Details and Report
  • Analyze and Report
  • Sales automation
  • Marketing automation
  • Sequence automation
  • Productivity automation
  • Get Found, Close, Analyze
  • Get Found, Convert, Analyze
  • Convert, Close, Delight
  • Convert, Delight, Analyze
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • To create more engaging blog content for your audience
  • To generate more leads from your blog
  • To attract more visitors to your website through your blog
  • To rearrange your site architecture into clusters of related content
  • Read more separator
  • Call to action
  • Personalization token
  • Paragraph break
  • True
  • False
  • Preview the page
  • Add a canonical URL
  • Make sure you only have one H1 header
  • Schedule the page to publish at a later date and time
  • Share it on social media
  • The rising popularity of voice search
  • More conversational search
  • Less emphasis on exact match keywords
  • Fewer Google algorithm changes
  • True
  • False

Introduction to Hubspot Software Marketing

HubSpot is a popular platform known for its comprehensive suite of marketing, sales, and customer service tools. Its marketing software is particularly robust and is designed to help businesses attract, engage, and delight customers. Here’s a breakdown of what HubSpot’s marketing software offers:

Key Features of HubSpot Marketing Software

  1. Marketing Automation:
    • Email Campaigns: Create and automate email marketing campaigns with personalized content.
    • Workflows: Set up automated workflows for nurturing leads and managing customer journeys.
  2. Lead Generation:
    • Forms and Landing Pages: Design forms and landing pages to capture leads and convert website visitors.
    • Lead Flows: Use pop-ups and slide-ins to engage visitors and collect contact information.
  3. Content Management:
    • Blogging: Manage and optimize your blog posts with SEO recommendations and analytics.
    • Content Creation: Tools for creating engaging content, including templates and a drag-and-drop editor.
  4. Social Media Management:
    • Publishing and Scheduling: Plan and schedule posts across multiple social media platforms.
    • Monitoring and Analytics: Track social media performance and engage with your audience.
  5. SEO Tools:
    • On-Page SEO Recommendations: Optimize your content with built-in SEO recommendations.
    • Keyword Research: Identify and target relevant keywords to improve search engine rankings.
  6. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Performance Metrics: Monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns with detailed reports.
    • Dashboard: Customizable dashboards to track key metrics and KPIs.
  7. CRM Integration:
    • Contact Management: Sync marketing activities with your CRM to get a unified view of your customer interactions.
    • Segmentation: Use CRM data to segment and target your audience more effectively.
  8. A/B Testing:
    • Email and Landing Pages: Test different versions of your emails and landing pages to determine what works best.
  9. Personalization:
    • Smart Content: Deliver personalized content to different segments of your audience based on their behavior and interests.
  10. Customer Support:
    • Live Chat and Chatbots: Engage with visitors in real-time and provide support with chatbots.

Benefits of Using HubSpot Marketing Software

  • Unified Platform: All-in-one solution for marketing, sales, and service.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design that is accessible for both beginners and experienced marketers.
  • Scalability: Suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other HubSpot tools and many third-party applications.
  • Educational Resources: Access to HubSpot Academy for training and best practices.


  • Cost: HubSpot can be pricey, especially for advanced features and higher-tier plans.
  • Complexity: The range of features can be overwhelming; it might require a learning curve or dedicated resources to manage effectively.

Overall, HubSpot’s marketing software is highly regarded for its versatility and effectiveness in streamlining marketing efforts and improving overall business growth. If you’re looking for a solution that combines various aspects of marketing into one platform, HubSpot is definitely worth considering.

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