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HubSpot CMS for Developers II Certification Exam Answers

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HubSpot CMS for Developers II Certification Exam Answers

  • Robustness
  • Perceivability
  • Understandability
  • Operability
  • Perceivability
  • Operability
  • Understandability
  • Robustness
  • sufficient color contrast
  • non-semantic elements
  • landmarks
  • alternative text
  • h4
  • sr-only
  • header
  • form-label
  • Operable
  • Perceivable
  • Comprehensible
  • Understandable
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Creating large enough clickable areas in prototypes
  • Designing copy and buttons with sufficient color contrast
  • Testing all of your project’s custom modules for accessibility
  • Being thoughtful about the tab order of your site
  • That the appropriate elements receive focus
  • That images have alternative text
  • That focused elements have an outline or other visual indicator so they can be easily identified
  • That the tab order makes intuitive sense
  • span
  • main
  • header
  • nav
  • Using generic link text like “click here”
  • Using sufficient color contrast between foreground text and the background
  • Removing the outline from focused elements
  • Developing a well-organized user interface
  • Missing h4 elements
  • Missing form input labels
  • Missing alternative text for images
  • Low contrast text
  • Including a skip to content link
  • Removing the outline from focused elements using CSS
  • Using landmark elements
  • Including labels for form inputs
  • Using a browser extension to audit your page
  • Keyboard testing
  • Zooming in on your page using the browser’s native zooming feature
  • Screen reader testing
  • A skip to content link
  • A valid heading hierarchy
  • Landmarks
  • Including labels for form controls
  • Perceivability
  • Operability
  • Understandability
  • Robustness
  • Load all of the scripts asynchrously so they don’t block DOM construction while the browser fetches them, but make sure to include script 1 first in the HTML.
  • Load script 1 normally (without an async or defer) attribute and load scripts 2 and 3 with the defer attribute.
  • Load all 3 scripts with the defer attribute, making sure to include script 1 first in the HTML.
  • It doesn’t matter. The scripts can be executed in any order.
  • Loading performance
  • First Input Delay
  • Time to Interactive
  • Rendering performance
  • First Input Delay
  • Total Blocking Time
  • Cumulative Layout Shift
  • Time to Interactive
  • First Contentful Paint
  • DOM
  • render tree
  • render tree
  • Largest Contentful Paint
  • Cumulative Layout Shift
  • Critical Rendering Path
  • {defer: true}
  • {position: footer}
  • {type: defer}
  • {async: true}
  • defer
  • async
  • preload
  • loading
  • 3 seconds
  • 5 seconds
  • 2.5 seconds
  • 1 second
  • Remove all videos from your site that are 1MB or larger
  • Optimize images and use srcset and sizes attributes to provide the browser multiple image options depending on the user’s device
  • Self-host fonts instead of fetching them from a third party
  • Reduce the total amount of JavaScript loaded on your site while also efficiently loading the site’s JavaScript
  • Set the image’s loading attribute to “lazy,” by default
  • Add width and height attributes to the image
  • Use the resize_image_url function to resize the image
  • Use srcset and sizes attributes
  • A measure of how long it takes the browser to load and render the largest element visible in the viewport
  • A measure of how long it takes the browser to render the first piece of DOM content after a user navigates to your page
  • A measure of visual stability
  • Both A & C
  • Total Blocking Time
  • First Input Delay
  • First Contentful Paint
  • Cumulative Layout Shift
  • Inline CSS
  • Large video files
  • Unoptimized images
  • Heavy JavaScript execution
  • include
  • extends
  • set
  • require_html
  • Use a description of the elements in the module to name it
  • Include help text that describes the module
  • Name a module using its purpose (e.g., “Sign up module”)
  • Include default content for required module fields
  • layout.html
  • index.html
  • home.html
  • base.html
  • True
  • False
  • brandSettings.colors[2]
  • brandSettings.TertiaryColor
  • brandSettings.colors[3]
  • brandSettings.tertiaryColor
  • Within an HTML + HubL file
  • Within a CSS + HubL file
  • Within a module’s fields.json file
  • Within a theme’s fields.json file
  • Within HTML + HubL files
  • Within CSS + HubL files
  • Within a module’s fields.json file
  • Within a theme’s fields.json file
  • main.css
  • fields.css
  • theme-overrides.css
  • _layout.css
  • Color and font controls for forms
  • Global color fields
  • Global font fields
  • Color and font controls for buttons
  • Good for reorganizing into custom layouts
  • Atomic
  • Span less than the full width of the page
  • Full-width, fixed layout elements
  • Email subscription preferences page
  • Search results page
  • Blog preferences page
  • Error page
  • brandSettings.primaryLogo.alt
  • brandSettings.primaryLogo.url
  • brandSettings.primaryLogo. width
  • brandSettings.primaryLogo.src
  • label
  • description
  • templateType
  • screenshotPath
  • bh-button
  • blue-horizons-header
  • button
  • bh-header
  • Border
  • Gradient
  • Width
  • Background image
  • Within the module.css portion of the module
  • Within the module.html portion of the module
  • Within the module.js portion of the module
  • Within the module’s meta.json file
  • 14px
  • 16px
  • 12px
  • 18px
  • 8px
  • 10px
  • 12px
  • 16px
  • Google Spider
  • Searchbot
  • the Google Crawler
  • Googlebot
  • a temporary redirect
  • structured data
  • a permanent redirect
  • your website’s sitemap
  • featured snippets
  • a blog post schema
  • a featured image
  • rich results
  • to prevent pages from appearing in search results
  • to tell search engines about which of your site’s pages you’d like them to crawl
  • to prevent your site from being overloaded with requests by crawlers
  • to control exactly which pages appear in search results
  • rendering
  • indexing
  • ranking
  • crawling
  • a permanent redirect
  • your site’s robots.txt file
  • the noindex meta tag
  • a temporary redirect
  • Create a mobile-friendly website.
  • Use the same content on your mobile site as your desktop site.
  • Maintain separate and different versions of your mobile and desktop sites.
  • Use the same meta tags on both the desktop and mobile versions of your site.
  • To stop content from being crawled and indexed
  • To tell search engines about what pages and files you think are important on your site
  • To help search engines find and understand media content and news articles
  • To control what pages, appear in search results and the order in which they appear
  • It will disallow crawling of every page and resource on the site
  • It will disallow crawling of the home page only
  • It will allow crawling of the home page only
  • It will not have any effect on crawling
  • Something that’s useful if you have a single page accessible by multiple URLs
  • The URL to the duplicate version of a main pillar page
  • The URL to the version of a page that should be crawled and indexed
  • Something that’s useful if you have multiple pages with similar content
  • JSON
  • Microdata
  • RDFa
  • When moving your site to a new domain
  • When you’ve moved a page to a new URL
  • When you have multiple URLs for your site
  • When you need to prevent a page from appearing in search results
  • Adding a noindex meta tag to the page
  • Disallowing crawling of the page in robots.txt
  • Password-protecting the page
  • Omitting the page’s meta title and description
  • nav
  • main
  • header
  • section
  • Perceivability
  • Operability
  • Understandability
  • Robustness
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • button elements
  • anchor elements
  • h1 elements
  • input elements
  • The script would be added to the head of the document with an async attribute.
  • The script would be added before the closing body tag with a defer attribute.
  • The script would be added to the head of the document with a defer attribute.
  • The script would be added before the closing body tag with an async attribute.
  • Minification
  • Fetching
  • Caching
  • Deferring
  • defer
  • preload
  • async
  • integrity
  • CSS files
  • Large video files
  • Font files
  • JavaScript files
  • A Core Web Vital
  • A measure of loading performance
  • A measure of interactivity
  • A measure of visual stability
  • A measure of interactivity
  • Another term for Time to Interactive
  • A measure of loading performance
  • A Core Web Vital
  • Construction of the CSSOM
  • Parsing of the HTML and construction of the DOM
  • Calculating the position and styles of each element
  • Sending a GET request to the server for the page’s HTML
  • require_js
  • resize_image_url
  • require_css
  • get_asset_url
  • include
  • require_css
  • scope_css
  • extends
  • field group
  • checkbox
  • content field
  • toggle switch
  • True
  • False
  • When you want to create a fixed layout page area for content editors to use
  • When you have multiple page elements organized in a specific layout
  • When you want to provide maximum flexibility to content editors
  • When you want to create a full-width page area
  • Text color
  • An image with alternative text
  • A button links
  • A background images
  • Some elements of technical SEO.
  • Some elements of off-page SEO.
  • Some elements of on-page SEO.
  • Implementing structured data.
  • True
  • False
  • View our course catalog
  • Learn more
  • Fill out our contact form
  • Click here
  • Add a noindex meta tag to the page
  • Remove the page’s URL from the robots.txt file and add a noindex meta tag to the page
  • Nothing. Because the page URL is already disallowed in robots.txt, it can never appear in Google’s search results
  • Remove the meta title and description from the page so that Google can’t display it in SERPs.
  • True
  • False
  • Layout
  • Paint
  • Interactivity
  • Construction of the render tree
  • Paint
  • Layout
  • Creation of the render tree
  • First Input Delay
  • True
  • False
  • 200
  • 301
  • 302
  • 404
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • XML
  • Rendering
  • Navigating
  • Indexing
  • Crawling

Introduction of HubSpot CMS for Developers II

HubSpot CMS for Developers II is a course aimed at advanced users of HubSpot’s content management system (CMS). If you’re looking to dive deeper into HubSpot CMS development, this course covers more sophisticated techniques and best practices. Here’s a breakdown of what you might expect:

Key Topics:

  1. Advanced Template Development:
    • Building complex templates using HubL (HubSpot Markup Language).
    • Incorporating custom modules and advanced coding techniques to enhance functionality.
  2. Custom Modules:
    • Creating and managing custom modules to fit specific needs.
    • Understanding how to utilize HubSpot’s module system to extend the CMS’s capabilities.
  3. API Integration:
    • Leveraging HubSpot APIs for custom integrations and functionalities.
    • Connecting HubSpot CMS with external applications and services.
  4. Performance Optimization:
    • Techniques for improving site speed and performance.
    • Best practices for optimizing code and assets.
  5. Advanced Personalization:
    • Implementing advanced personalization strategies.
    • Using HubSpot’s dynamic content features to tailor user experiences.
  6. Version Control and Deployment:
    • Best practices for managing code changes and version control.
    • Techniques for deploying updates and managing different environments.
  7. Security Best Practices:
    • Ensuring your HubSpot CMS setup is secure.
    • Implementing best practices to protect data and maintain site integrity.
  8. Troubleshooting and Debugging:
    • Advanced techniques for identifying and fixing issues.
    • Using HubSpot’s debugging tools effectively.

Resources for Learning:

  • HubSpot Academy: Check out HubSpot’s own training resources and documentation for detailed tutorials and best practices.
  • Developer Community: Engage with the HubSpot developer community for support and shared knowledge.
  • Documentation: HubSpot’s official documentation provides in-depth information on various aspects of the CMS.

Each of these topics could provide valuable insights and skills for developers looking to leverage the full power of HubSpot’s CMS for building dynamic and engaging websites.

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