Home » Google Play Store Listing Certification Exam Answers

Google Play Store Listing Certification Exam Answers

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Google Play Store Listing Exam Quiz Answers

  • Use a similar or complementary color theme and style in all your Store listing graphics.
  • Reuse your app icon as your feature graphic.
  • Use brand elements and graphic styles that serve as an extension of your app icon.
  • Special features or gameplay options
  • Rewards the user can earn and how
  • Unique features of your app or game
  • A call to action, such as “Download today!”
  • A list of every feature in your app or game
  • True
  • False
  • Photos taken from a public figure’s social-media account
  • Professional images of public figures, such as singers, actors, athletes, and politicians
  • Photos taken by family and friends
  • The Main store listing page on the Google Play Console
  • The Google Play Store
  • As long as they are JPEG files, any size is fine
  • Who will be most interested in your app or game
  • What your app or game does
  • Unique benefits of using your app or game
  • Coupon codes users can use in the app or game
  • References to popular apps or games that users may also like
  • The percentage of store listing visitors that resulted in acquisitions
  • The number of times your app was uninstalled
  • Your current rating shown to users on Google Play
  • Fun!
  • Free!
  • Sale!
  • New!
  • Pizza!
  • True
  • False
  • Provide your own translations
  • Use a third-party translation service
  • Let Google Play provide an automated translation
  • +5%
  • +10%
  • +15%
  • +12%
  • True
  • False
  • Statistics
  • Store analysis
  • Conversion analysis
  • Monitor acquisition trends over time
  • Acquire new users
  • Evaluate effectiveness of marketing changes
  • Identify new opportunities to acquire new users
  • When your target audience doesn’t include children, but your store listing contains marketing elements that may appeal to them
  • When your target audience includes children, but is designed for parents
  • When your app contains ads
  • Run your experiment Wednesday through Sunday
  • Run your experiments with 50% of your audience
  • Create at least three alternatives for testing graphics and text
  • Run for 7 days or more
  • Keep the current version
  • Continue the experiment
  • Apply the new version
  • True
  • False
  • It concisely describes what the app does.
  • It gives an overview of the most important features.
  • It tells the users what the benefits of the app are.
  • It’s enough information for the user to make a quick decision.
  • True
  • False
  • HEIC
  • JPEG
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • True
  • False
  • App icon
  • Feature graphics
  • Screenshots
  • Price
  • Category
  • Artwork or images from comic books, cartoons, movies, music videos, or television
  • College and professional sports team logos
  • Your app or game company logo
  • Artwork created for your app or game
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Core features and content
  • Taglines for key characteristics
  • Time-sensitive information
  • Calls to action
  • Google Play Developer Policy Center
  • Google Play Console app
  • The Keyword blogs
  • Other store listings
  • Title
  • Icon
  • Descriptions
  • Privacy policy
  • App category
  • Graphic assets
  • Top Weather Team
  • No Ads Weather Team
  • Weather Team Superstars
  • Weather 365 Team
  • Weather Team (emoji)
  • True
  • False
  • Keep prominent visuals towards the center of the graphic.
  • Design your image to scale to both large and small screens.
  • Add as much detail as possible to keep users excited.
  • Highlight in-game visuals and characters when possible.
  • Consider using more vibrant colors in your graphics to build interest and excitement.
  • Three
  • Five
  • Seven
  • Nine
  • Always
  • When no distinct shape is needed around your logo to define it
  • Never
  • When you define shapes that are a critical part of your logo
  • Add more languages
  • Remove translations in a specific language
  • Change the default language
  • Add a fake language
  • Improve your app installs in specific countries
  • Customize the placement of the app’s icon on the store listing
  • Accurately showcase your app’s key features in specific countries
  • One
  • Two
  • Four
  • Five
  • True
  • False
  • A and C
  • Video length
  • Content that may be inappropriate for all ages
  • Sales and pricing information
  • Orientation
  • Ads enablement
  • Recipe hero
  • Recipe rescue: download today!
  • Recipes to the rescue!
  • Recipe HERO!
  • Recipe rescue!
  • #1Note Helpers
  • No Ads Note Helpers
  • Note Helpers Here 4U
  • Free Note Helpers
  • Note Helpers
  • True
  • False
  • Three
  • Five
  • Seven
  • Nine
  • True
  • False
  • Country/region
  • Language
  • Search term
  • Android version
  • User device
  • Provide your own translations
  • Use a third-party translation service
  • Let Google Play provide an automated translation
  • The number of users who visited your store listing who did not already have your app installed on any of their devices
  • The number of users who visited your store listing and installed your app who did not have it installed on any other devices at the time
  • The number of users who have your app installed on at least one device and have used the device in the past 30 days
  • The number of users who visited your store listing who did not already have your app installed on any of their devices
  • The number of users who visited your store listing and installed your app who did not have it installed on any other devices at the time
  • The number of users who have your app installed on at least one device and have used the device in the past 30 days
  • Rescue Rover is 50% cooler and 100% faster than Fido Finder!
  • If you love animals, Rescue Rover is the best app to download!
  • If you loved Fido Finder, Rescue Rover is even better!
  • If you’re looking for a new best friend, Rescue Rover can help!
  • If you love animals, you will love Rescue Rover!
  • True
  • False
  • Category
  • Tags
  • Promo video
  • Short description
  • Long description
  • True
  • False
  • Encourage users to provide feedback in the form of ratings and comments.
  • Respond to your users and address their issues.
  • Incentivize users to provide feedback in the form of ratings and comments.
  • Build a comprehensive store listing.
  • Localize your store listing.
  • UTM campaign
  • App install state
  • Store listing
  • App version
  • Carrier
  • Build a lasting and meaningful experience for your users.
  • Maintain and improve your app through regular updates.
  • Incentivize users to provide feedback in the form of ratings and comments.
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Unattributed or anonymous user testimonials
  • Data comparison of apps or brands
  • Interesting and exciting facts about your app
  • Language that’s inappropriate for a general audience
  • True
  • False
  • Localized experiment
  • Default graphics experiment
  • Top car race
  • #1 Race Cars
  • Super car race
  • Car race roadstars (emoji)
  • Race Road Stars
  • SUPER Cars!!!
  • Give users a summary of your app’s noteworthy benefits in the short description.
  • Make sure users understand that your app is the best in its category.
  • Keep your full description concise because users may only read the first few sentences.
  • List a large variety of keywords related to your app’s features to increase search relevance.
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Experiment variants are only shown to users who view your app’s store listing in the languages you choose.
  • Experiment variants are shown to all users.
  • Experiment variants are only shown to users who view your app’s store listing from devices registered in countries that you choose.
  • Experiment variants are only shown to users who view your app’s store listing for the first time.
  • Focus on benefits from the user’s perspective.
  • Convey key characteristics
  • Use clear calls to action, such as “Download now!”.

Introduction to Google Play Store Listing

Creating an effective Google Play Store listing is crucial for attracting users to your app. Here are key elements to include:

  1. App Title: Clear, catchy, and reflective of your app’s purpose.
  2. App Icon: A visually appealing icon that stands out on mobile screens.
  3. App Description:
    • Short Description: A brief, compelling summary visible at a glance.
    • Full Description: Detailed information about features, benefits, and unique selling points. Use bullet points for clarity.
  4. Screenshots and Videos: High-quality visuals showcasing different app features. Videos can demonstrate functionality.
  5. Reviews and Ratings: Encourage positive reviews through great user experience. Respond to feedback to show engagement.
  6. Updates and What’s New: Regular updates demonstrate active development. Highlight new features or improvements.
  7. App Permissions: Clearly state why each permission is required to build user trust.
  8. Contact Information: Provide support contact details for user queries or issues.
  9. Localization: Translate your listing into multiple languages for broader accessibility.
  10. Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your description and title for better discoverability.
  11. Call-to-Action: Encourage users to download with a clear and compelling call-to-action.
  12. Promotional Text: Highlight any ongoing promotions, events, or updates.

Remember to keep the listing updated, respond to user feedback promptly, and optimize based on user behavior and analytics to maximize downloads and user engagement.

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