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Google Ads Apps Certification Exam Answers

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Google Ads Apps Certification Final Exam Quiz Answers

  • The content within the app’s Google Play and Apple App Store listings.
  • The associated images and videos on Google Images and YouTube.
  • The existing Display Network and/or Video campaigns within the same Google Ads account.
  • The website associated with the app in question.
  • To drive phone calls to customer service through the app.
  • To determine if app users have a preferred banking location.
  • To increase user engagement with the app.
  • To help users discover the app.
  • He’ll receive consistent measurement across his marketing landscape.
  • Google has a VTC industry benchmark to compare against similar businesses.
  • The VTC metric used by Google is different from most other networks.
  • Google offers more segmentation information for VTCs than all other networks.
  • Apps can be accidentally uninstalled during operating system updates.
  • A significant percentage of app users churn after three months.
  • Those who haven’t yet downloaded an app might need extra incentive.
  • Some users download apps and then forget about them.
  • A simplistic graphic of the app’s title, to help spark curiosity in potential users.
  • An introduction screen, with clear instructions on how to engage with the ad.
  • A list of bullet points highlighting the app’s key features.
  • A brief video clip showing a series of screenshots of what to expect from the app.
  • To help improve overall mobile ROI.
  • To move customers from using the app to using the website.
  • To close the loop on mobile conversions.
  • To drive more fitness video views.
  • To deliver a seamless mobile experience.
  • Business goals
  • Stage of app maturity
  • Competitor strategy
  • Annual revenue
  • App specific goals
  • Use images with a high pixel density to be clearly visible on a variety of screen sizes.
  • Use an action shot from the app for more engaging creative.
  • Superimpose the logo on the image and use text liberally in ads.
  • Include a call-to-action button on your image that says “Learn more.”
  • It provides unlimited reporting on up to 250 distinct events.
  • It doesn’t require editing an app’s code or using a third-party analytics tool.
  • It tracks Android app installs and in-app purchases made through the Google Play store exclusively.
  • It helps make your measurement more comprehensive.
  • Search queries
  • App settings
  • Location
  • Ad schedule
  • Keywords
  • Build a library of different ad assets, with the intention swapping them entirely on a weekly basis.
  • Provide the system with ample, meaningful data and the time to process it.
  • Keep an eye on strategy and objectives, evolving them over time as needed.
  • Create helpful boundaries for the system to work within, by setting a thoughtful bid and budget.
  • Make adjustments to the campaign in reaction to hourly fluctuations in performance.
  • A recommendation of the bid she should set to compete against similar businesses.
  • An estimate of the total number of impressions the app will receive across Google’s inventory.
  • A recommendation of bid adjustments, based on different times of the day and week.
  • An estimate of the number of installs or in-app actions she can drive with her bidding strategy.
  • No. The system needs a minimum of 3,000 unique conversion events across 30 days.
  • Yes. The system needs a minimum of 30 unique conversion events across 30 days.
  • Yes. The system needs a minimum of 10 unique conversion events across 30 days.
  • No. The system needs a minimum of 300 unique conversion events across 30 days.
  • Ad formats, budget, language
  • Budget, language, location
  • Ad formats, budget, location
  • Ad formats, language, location
  • Icon
  • Hero image/video
  • Description
  • Download button
  • Font type
  • App campaigns require users to upload an HTML file to prove app ownership.
  • App campaigns exclude all placements and mobile categories.
  • App campaigns are opted out of certain inappropriate or graphic content.
  • App campaigns automatically select languages appropriate to a user’s goal.
  • Machine learning saves time by analyzing hundreds of signals automatically.
  • Machine learning evolves campaign goals automatically, without input.
  • Machine learning produces results that align with defined campaign goals.
  • Machine learning sets campaign bids and budgets automatically.
  • At the end of the ad.
  • During the entirety of the ad.
  • At the beginning of the ad.
  • Midway through the ad.
  • Google Search, Google Play, Discover, Gmail, and Google Maps
  • Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, Discover, and 3M sites and apps in the Google network
  • 3M sites and apps in the Google and YouTube networks
  • Gmail, Google Search, Google Play, and 3M videos in the YouTube network
  • A daily budget should be at least 50 times the tCPI.
  • A daily budget should be at least 25 times the tCPI.
  • A daily budget should be at least 5 times the tCPA.
  • A daily budget should be at least 10 times the tCPA.
  • Select relevant markets for
  • Localize
  • Test, launch, and measure to
  • 1:1, 1.91:1, and 4:5
  • 1:1 and 1.75:1 only
  • 1:1, 1.75:1, and 4:5
  • 1:1 and 1.91:1 only
  • Focus on one goal at a time.
  • Include all goals within one campaign.
  • Create a separate campaign for each goal.
  • Create multiple ad groups for each goal.
  • Machine learning can have a better understanding of business objectives.
  • Machine learning can analyze millions of signals and placements in real time.
  • Machine learning reduces human bias and common errors.
  • Machine learning is more capable of interpreting human emotion.
  • Conduct competitor surveys.
  • Initiate a full app rebuild.
  • Initiate a code freeze on app development.
  • Conduct market research.
  • A way to market to potential users.
  • When an app is on sale in the app store.
  • Actions that people perform in an app.
  • A limited-time promotion in an app.
  • App promotion helps users discover new games to download.
  • App promotion alerts gamers of the latest industry news and information.
  • App promotion helps convert mobile gamers into console and PC gamers.
  • App promotion encourages gamers to use hardware to improve their gameplay.
  • The system automatically creates ads, with zero human input required.
  • The system automatically tests different ads to determine what works best.
  • The system suggests proven data based on similar businesses from the same industry.
  • The system can immediately identify the best ad assets submitted by a marketer.
  • Reviews left by people using the app
  • Short-term events in relevant industries
  • The objectives of similar businesses
  • The stage of app maturity
  • An education company with a large app user base that’s assigned values to the specific action users take within the app.
  • A finance company with a small app user base that wants to drive additional app installs.
  • A travel company with a large app user base that hasn’t yet set values for the key action users take within the app.
  • A fitness company with a large website user base that’s about to launch its new app.
  • View-through conversions isn’t a default column in the performance report. She should add her total interactions with her total conversions.
  • She should look at total conversions, which automatically include view-through conversions.
  • View-through conversions isn’t a default column in the performance report. She should find the view-through conversions in the asset report.
  • View-through conversions isn’t a default column in the performance report. She should customize her columns to include it.
  • Plan strategies on a wide scale.
  • Strengthen relationships with clients.
  • Perform specific tasks efficiently.
  • Set the right campaign budgets.
  • While on mobile devices, users spend the majority of time in apps.
  • App downloads are growing year over year.
  • Apps deliver better brand awareness than websites.
  • Apps require minimal maintenance.
  • An ad must be more than 75% on screen for more than two seconds.
  • An ad must be more than 75% on-screen for more than five seconds.
  • An ad must be more than 50% on screen for more than five seconds.
  • An ad must be more than 50% on screen for more than two seconds.
  • Apps can be accidentally uninstalled during operating system updates.
  • Those who haven’t yet downloaded an app might need extra incentive.
  • A significant percentage of app users churn after three months.
  • Some users download apps and then forget about them.
  • Machine learning creates company strategies.
  • Machine learning delivers relevant ads to each customer.
  • Machine learning builds great customer relationships.
  • Machine learning measures performance more effectively.
  • Application submission
  • Register
  • Sign-in
  • Video download
  • Population density of market.
  • Availability of high-speed internet.
  • Browser preference of market.
  • Average device screen size.
  • Average device battery life.
  • By delivering relevant ads to users only on YouTube.
  • By delivering a unique ad to every individual user.
  • By delivering a relevant ad to the right user at the right time.
  • By delivering ads to as many users as possible in one location.
  • 2
  • 500
  • 20
  • 0.5
  • HTML5 assets
  • Data
  • Time
  • Bid changes
  • Google Ads policies don’t allow more than 25% overlay text on an image asset.
  • Image assets tend to load slower on mobile devices when there’s text overlay.
  • Image assets with text overlay can only be shown on some Google inventory.
  • Large-scale or very long text in image assets can detract from the viewer’s visual experience of an ad.
  • A positive user experience across the board can support campaign goals.
  • Marketers can provide app developers with insights based on data from Google Search campaigns.
  • App developers generally have more marketing knowledge when it comes to promoting apps.
  • App developers are required to complete some actions within Google App campaigns.
  • Machine learning is a key component in building relationships with clients.
  • Expertise in machine learning and automated systems is more valuable than ever before.
  • Automated campaigns rely on human guidance and intelligence for success.
  • Automated campaigns outperform humans when it comes to creative work.
  • Build user base and installs at scale.
  • Add campaigns that focus on higher-value installs by focusing on in-app actions.
  • Activate existing users with engagement campaigns.
  • 1:1, 1.75:1, and 4:5
  • 1:1 and 1.91:1 only
  • 1:1 and 1.75:1 only
  • 1:1, 1.91:1, and 4:5
  • Discovery and engagement
  • Global expansion and in-store sales
  • Engagement and website growth
  • Discovery and global expansion
  • Pick an analytics tool to track conversions.
  • Link your analytics tool to your Google Ads account.
  • Import your data from your analytics tool to Google Ads.

Select 2 Correct Responses

  • Follow best practices for uploading a diverse and comprehensive asset mix.
  • Invest a lot of time reviewing the assets being used by similar businesses.
  • Introduce one asset type at a time, to eventually identify which type works best.
  • Improve and optimize the asset mix based on insights from the asset report.
  • The number of downloads the app has.
  • The industry standard for that particular app.
  • The target-user settings of the campaign.
  • The total value of the campaign budget.
  • The app can help customers buy products they were already likely to buy.
  • The app can forecast makeup products customers are likely to buy.
  • The app can let customers try products virtually.
  • The app can help customers write product reviews.
  • A Google-designated team
  • Machine learning
  • Third-party support from Google partners
  • The YouTube video network
  • Launch the app in Latin America, before translations are complete to test the market.
  • Launch first in Latin American markets with more than five million residents.
  • Research specific market culture and productivity tool usage in Latin America.
  • Customize the app’s UX and expand payment methods relevant to Latin America.
  • Research device usage and connectivity within Latin America.
  • It will immediately reduce marketing costs.
  • It can help guide marketing efforts.
  • It can be used as a benchmark against similar apps.
  • It can help inspire new ideas for image assets.
  • Various images
  • Headline and description text
  • A demonstration videos
  • A final URL
  • Machine learning processes massive amounts of data, to deliver the most effective message to the right user at the right time.
  • The complexity of creative A/B testing and possibility of human bias disappear with an automated approach to campaign management.
  • Greater inventory and more ad formats means machine learning can serve ads to a wide audience of interested users.

Reach (3)

Relevance (1)

Simplicity (2)

  • Websites
  • Apps and websites equally
  • Apps
  • Phone calls
  • User reviews
  • Website traffic
  • New users and installs
  • In-app actions
  • Humans make better strategic decisions.
  • Humans excel at monotonous tasks.
  • Humans think more creatively.
  • Humans are better at handling large amounts of data.
  • Information on the Play listing page is used for app push notifications.
  • Information on the Play listing page is used by Google App campaigns as creative assets.
  • World News Online customers have higher expectations than average users.
  • A high-quality listing will encourage downloads by users from the Google App campaign.
  • Google Analytics for Firebase
  • Codeless tracking with Google Play
  • App attribution partners
  • Google Analytics for Mobile
  • Google Analytics for Firebase, app attribution partners, codeless tracking with Google Play.
  • Google App Analytics for Advertisers, app attribution partners, Google Play conversion tracking.
  • Google App Analytics for Advertisers, codeless tracking with Google Play, website attribution partners.
  • Google Analytics for Firebase, app attribution partners, Google Ads Analytics.
  • Include large borders for image clarity.
  • Include the maximum of 20 images for coverage.
  • Include images with high pixel density for visibility.
  • Include app store badges and brand logo for credibility.
  • Include large text for accessibility.
  • Tutorial completion
  • Coupon redemption
  • Hotel room selection
  • Add to cart
  • The traffic analysis report in the Google Play console.
  • The user acquisition report in the Google Play Console.
  • The Google Play Translation Services report.
  • The country guidance tool in Google Ads.
  • Efficiency
  • Strategy
  • Scale
  • Creativity
  • Goal setting
  • A focus on “In-app actions” while targeting “Users who have interacted with the app previously”.
  • A focus on “Install volume” while targeting “All users”.
  • A focus on “Install volume” while targeting “Users likely to perform a specific in-app action”.
  • A focus on “In-app actions”.
  • Pick an event with significant value, regardless of how often it occurs.
  • Pick an event with low value that happens on a very significant basis.
  • Pick an event that can be compared against similar apps.
  • Pick an event that matters to your business and occurs frequently.
  • They unlock additional segmentation options for placements that occur on YouTube.
  • They provide additional conversion data, so better business decisions can be made.
  • They’re an effective way to directly compare conversion data against similar businesses.
  • They offer insights into video assets, so best-performing ones can be given priority.
  • Machine learning will eventually develop to a level where it can replace advertisers entirely.
  • Machine learning happens when computers analyze and recognize patterns in huge amounts of data.
  • Machine learning means computers don’t need to be explicitly programmed or told what to do.
  • Machine learning can become more efficient and accurate over time.
  • Machine learning is a way of effectively summarizing large amounts of data
  • The latest industry news can be presented to a potential customer while they shop.
  • An app can serve ads to a potential customer while they’re browsing products.
  • Apps can redirect users to the company website to complete a purchase.
  • Personal information can be saved in an app to make checkout quick and easy.
  • Each ad group may have 1-5 description lines, with up to 90 characters in each.
  • Each ad group may have 3-5 description lines, with up to 90 characters in each.
  • Each ad group may have 1-5 description lines, with up to 30 characters in each.
  • Each ad group may have 3-5 description lines, with up to 30 characters in each.
  • Machine learning will perform better when it comes to designing creatives.
  • Machine learning will let her be promoted to director quickly.
  • Machine learning will save a significant amount of time and effort for other tasks.
  • Machine learning will let her use the same audiences she’s identified as correct in the past.
  • Machines can provide very detailed reporting, while humans handle the majority of optimization tasks.
  • Humans can monitor reports exclusively, while letting machine learning handle everything else.
  • Humans and machines have complementary skill sets.
  • Humans can verify creative assets made by machines, saving time in the process.
  • The marketer will still need to review search term and segmentation reports, to make appropriate manual adjustments.
  • The strategy behind an App campaign will likely shift over time, meaning boundaries need to be set accordingly.
  • The marketer will need to look for and resolve any campaign issues found within the notifications section of the account.
  • An App campaign will request human input via questionnaires from time to time, to help steer its marketing objectives.
  • Additional sales
  • Decreased costs
  • Increased profits
  • Wider customer base
  • Increased customer lifetime value
  • Text, Video, HTML5, Audio
  • HTML4, Image, Video, Text
  • HTML5, Image, Video, Text
  • Image, Text, Audio, Video
  • Launch
  • Grow
  • Maturity
  • Engagement
  • By delivering a different ad to every user.
  • By delivering relevant ads to users only on YouTube.
  • By delivering ads to as many users as possible in one location.
  • By delivering a relevant ad to the right user at the right time.
  • Average cost per in-app action.
  • Number of installs.
  • Number of best assets.
  • Average cost per install.
  • The system can automatically create individual ad groups to accommodate each asset type.
  • The system has flexibility to create individual ads that best move a user to install or take action in the app.
  • The budget of the campaign is automatically increased with each asset type added.
  • The system can identify the best-performing assets from the portfolio, then create more based on them.
  • Key features of the app
  • The title of the app
  • Contact details
  • The brand names
  • So, advertisers know if their audience targeting is successful.
  • So, advertisers know if frequency capping is working.
  • So, advertisers know if users are double-clicking on their ads.
  • So, advertisers know if their ads have truly been seen by users.
  • A significant percentage of app users churn after three months.
  • Apps can be accidentally uninstalled.
  • Users who haven’t yet downloaded an app might need extra incentive.
  • Some users download apps and then forget about them.
  • Set the campaign’s daily budget as planned initially, then fluctuate it on a weekly basis.
  • Set the campaign’s daily budget initially less than planned, then double it right before deadline.
  • Set the campaign’s daily budget triple than originally planned.
  • Set the campaign’s daily budget slightly higher than originally planned.
  • Machine learning lets William spend more time on marketing strategy than campaign details.
  • Machine learning handles client communication, giving William more time to tweak campaigns.
  • Machine learning can provide reporting insights, so William can skip performance analysis.
  • Machine learning frees more time for William to build client relationships.
  • Industry insights purchased from third-party companies.
  • Reviews left on an app listing.
  • Segmented data taken from surveys.
  • Conversion tracking and machine learning.
  • Shopping apps
  • Business apps
  • Gaming apps
  • Sports apps
  • Every two to three months.
  • Every two to three days.
  • Every month.
  • Every week.
  • 100
  • 25
  • 50
  • 200
  • Comparing the app against other industry apps.
  • A behind-the-scenes look at how the app was made.
  • Showing the app and its functionality.
  • Portraying people using the app.
  • Create a new campaign and ad group for each different theme.
  • Replace her existing ad group with a new one using a different theme.
  • Maintain one evergreen ad group, and use additional ad groups to explore different themes.
  • Maintain the same ad group, and introduce additional assets based on various different themes.
  • Include a call-to-action button on your image that says “Learn more.”
  • Use an action shot from the app for more engaging creative.
  • Superimpose the logo on the image and use text liberally in ads.
  • Use images with a high pixel density to be clearly visible on a variety of screen sizes.
  • 30
  • 10
  • 20
  • 40
  • Through digital sources
  • Through magazine placements
  • Through television commercials
  • Through billboard advertising
  • Include view-through-conversion reporting to understand the full value of the ads shown.
  • Track users across individual sites and apps visited.
  • Use the asset report to identify and add more top-performing assets.
  • Evaluate all paid channels, and distribute investment equally.
  • Creating ad groups for each language spoken in France.
  • Translating the app store listing titles and descriptions.
  • Utilizing the App Translation service within the Google Play Console.
  • Performing market research to understand the needs of French users.
  • Utilizing the Localize Now guidance tool within Google Ads.
  • Mobile apps help build brand and website awareness.
  • Apps inform potential customers of opening and closing hours.
  • Over half of consumers use mobile apps when shopping in-store.
  • Apps encourage potential customers to subscribe to their newsletter.
  • What impact would a successful app have on the business?
  • What unique purpose does the app provide customers?
  • How do app users perceive the fitness brand?
  • How many fitness videos were downloaded last year from paid app promotion?
  • Dismiss video ads completely, and focus on other submitted ad assets.
  • Automatically record some footage of the app, and use it for a video ad.
  • Crawl YouTube for a video relevant to the app, and use it for a video ad.
  • Automatically make a video based on the App Store or Google Play assets and information.
  • Analyze a cross section of reviews left on her app store listing.
  • Create a detailed survey to send to her most active users.
  • Assign specific values to different in-app events.
  • Use longer lookback windows when analyzing data.
  • eCommerce
  • Gaming
  • Omnichannel (online + store)

These apps are used by over half of consumers when shopping in a physical location. (3)

These apps generate higher conversion rates than mobile websites. (1)

These are the most downloaded app type on Android and iOS. (2)

  • Advertisers can crunch more data at scale than ever, to drive better business outcomes.
  • Advertising agencies are slowing down their recruitment efforts as the requirement for human input is reduced.
  • Advertisers are spending more time on campaign optimization, due to additional data that’s surfaced.
  • Well-known analytics tools are becoming obsolete as data is handled entirely by computer systems.
  • 500
  • 20
  • 100
  • 10
  • Only providing text assets
  • A low budget
  • The campaign names
  • Language setting
  • A manual ad type in Google Ads that lets advertisers display banners exclusively on Google Play.
  • An automated ad type in Google Ads designed to help advertisers drive app installs and in-app conversions.
  • A Google tool that automatically creates an app based on an advertiser’s website and supplied content.
  • A platform in Google Ads that lets advertisers promote their products and services exclusively on apps they don’t own.
  • Increasing user volume
  • Driving specific in-app actions
  • Handling churn management
  • It’s the total number of times a user has seen an ad before eventually completing a conversion.
  • It’s when a user sees an ad containing a video asset, clicks on it, and then proceeds to complete a conversion.
  • It’s when a user sees an ad for the app and doesn’t click on it, but completes a conversion (download or action) on the app within 24 hours.
  • It’s a conversion metric that counts the total number of conversions that came exclusively from a YouTube placement.
  • To divert traffic to a webpage.
  • To create audio-only ads.
  • To create interactive ads.
  • To serve lead forms.
  • Ad groups
  • Ad assets

Individual elements such as lines of text, individual images, or videos. (2)

A set of ads or ad assets that share common themes. (1)

  • Select events done by at least 95% of users.
  • Ensure events are being measured accurately.
  • Select events done by more than 5% but fewer than 50% of users.
  • Select your most valuable events, regardless of how often they occur
  • Mobile web generates conversion rates three times that of shopping apps.
  • Mobile web generates conversion rates ten times that of shopping apps.
  • Shopping apps generate conversion rates ten times those of mobile web.
  • Shopping apps generate conversion rates three times those of mobile web.
  • Review the asset report, but wait another two months before taking action – it’s too soon to know how well the existing assets are performing.
  • Review the campaign’s existing assets to see if enough types and sizes exist for good ad coverage, and if the existing assets meet the recommended standards for quality.
  • Review the asset report as a frame of reference, then immediately remove all existing assets and start fresh with new ones. After two months, the existing assets are stale and need to be replaced.
  • Review the asset report to see which assets are low-performing, and gradually swap them out for new ones.
  • Launch
  • Growth
  • Engagement
  • Maturity
  • Update campaign settings daily.
  • Adjust bids regularly.
  • Set boundaries.
  • Provide a lot of good data.
  • Evolve the strategy.
  • It allows for more time to focus on strategy and creating customer experiences.
  • It’s an efficient way to learn what account structures are being used by similar businesses.
  • It’s an automated solution to communicate with clients using faster response times.
  • It’s a practical way to automatically convert client briefs into fully functional account structures.
  • People are spending more time using apps.
  • A mobile app will encourage users to visit their website.
  • A well-performing app can directly improve website usage.
  • The number of users on mobile devices continues to grow.
  • Themed ad groups are used to set budgets by traveler interest.
  • Themed ad groups are used to adjust bids by traveler interest.
  • Themed ad groups are used to create and deliver relevant ads to travelers with different interests.
  • Themed ad groups are used to create and deliver ads in different languages to different travelers.
  • 650
  • 650000
  • 6500
  • 65000
  • Location
  • Bid
  • Budget
  • Audience
  • A 60-second landscape video asset.
  • A 60-second portrait video asset.
  • A carousel video asset.
  • A square video asset.
  • Apps are guaranteed to run faster than mobile sites.
  • Apps automatically look better than mobile sites.
  • Apps generate higher conversion rates.
  • Apps have higher average order values.
  • Apps have lower abandonment rates.
  • Identifying the most important audiences for your business.
  • Improving the average order value of your customer base.
  • Driving as much traffic as possible to a .com website.
  • Delivering a great user experience as part of the customer journey.
  • App campaign ad
  • Offline marketing efforts
  • App store listing
  • Website where the app is featured
  • Proactively target an audience with most-engaging video assets.
  • Send push notifications to high-value users, reminding them to use an app.
  • Focus marketing strategies on similar users who bring long-term value to a business.
  • Focus marketing efforts only on those users that are already engaging with an app regularly.
  • A travel app looking to increase their user base by 50% in the next six months.
  • A dating app earns $50 in revenue every time an app user upgrades to Premium level.
  • A banking app knows those who use the app to deposit checks are more likely to remain loyal customers.
  • An entertainment app provides unlimited video views to users.
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 4
  • Shayley will be taken to a Google search page with “hiking boots” pre-populated as her search term.
  • Shayley will be taken to the hiking boots section of the One Stop website.
  • Shayley will be taken directly to the hiking boots section of the One Stop app.
  • Shayley will be taken to the app store listing, prompting her to download the One Stop app.
  • At least two landscape images without any superimposed text or logo.
  • At least two landscape images with a watermark of the app logo included.
  • At least two portrait images with a watermark of the app logo included.
  • At least two portrait images without any superimposed text or logo.
  • App and Web properties in Google Analytics
  • Google Ads SDK platforms report
  • Deep linking
  • Cross-platform report in Google Analytics
  • A food delivery company running a campaign to get new users.
  • An outdoor retailer running a campaign to drive more in-app purchases.

tCPA (2)

tCPI (1)

  • Responding to user feedback
  • Generating app reviews
  • Driving app downloads
  • Encouraging app usage
  • Message
  • Theme
  • User location
  • Ad schedule
  • Audience
  • Competition becomes more focused at a granular level.
  • The system works best when working from the largest dataset possible.
  • App campaigns don’t allow location targeting at a more granular level than country-level.
  • Users outside of the location target area might feel excluded.
  • Building audience lists based on individual user emails.
  • Developing a list of campaign management recommendations.
  • Developing a list of suitable potential markets for expansion.
  • Translating an app into multiple languages.
  • Personalization and video quality
  • Technical performance and personalization
  • Technical performance and user experience
  • User experience and video quality
  • The system starts by learning from manual management.
  • Other campaigns in the account need to be analyzed first.
  • There’s a lot of data needing to be processed.
  • Manual input is needed from Google employees.
  • Reporting
  • Optimization
  • Decision making
  • Budget setting
  • Machine learning can analyze many signals to determine the right audience for her ad.
  • Machine learning can review competitor performance to optimize campaigns.
  • Machine learning can create combinations of assets to deliver a relevant ad to the right user.
  • Machine learning can apply industry insights to optimize campaigns.
  • Enter address
  • Add payment
  • Coupon redemption
  • Video views
  • Matched interest
  • Content is taken from the website and social media associated with the app to design different ad formats.
  • The system analyzes App campaigns run by similar businesses and identifies the best settings for your ads.
  • The system will run a simulation to analyze how your app works, then design ads based on what it finds.
  • If video or image assets aren’t manually uploaded, content may be pulled from the app store listings.
  • Reach, demographics, reporting
  • Reach, relevance, simplicity
  • Reporting, relevance, simplicity
  • Reporting, simplicity, demographics
  • Reporting level
  • Ad group level
  • Campaign level
  • Asset level
  • App engagement
  • App installs
  • App notifications
  • App interactions
  • Janelle can set location targeting at the ad group level.
  • Janelle can provide the system with abundant data and time.
  • Janelle can adjust bids daily to ensure the campaign stays on target.
  • Janelle can evolve campaign strategy over time.
  • Janelle can set bids and budgets strategically.
  • 200
  • 25
  • 50
  • 100

Introduction to Google Ads Apps

Google Ads offers several types of app campaigns that can help promote mobile apps across Google’s networks. Here are the main types of app campaigns available:

  1. Universal App Campaigns (UAC):
    • These are automated campaigns designed to help you promote your app across Google’s largest properties including Search, Google Play, YouTube, and the Google Display Network.
    • You only need to provide some text, a starting bid, budget, language, and location preferences, and Google’s machine learning algorithms will optimize your ads to reach the right users.
    • UACs can help drive app installs, in-app actions, and other conversions.
  2. App Campaigns for Engagement:
    • These campaigns are specifically aimed at re-engaging users who already have your app installed.
    • You can encourage these users to take specific actions within your app, such as making a purchase, completing a level in a game, or subscribing to a service.
    • Google Ads uses data from your app to deliver relevant ads to users who are likely to engage.
  3. App Campaigns for Pre-registration:
    • If your app is launching soon and you want to build anticipation and drive pre-registrations, this type of campaign can help.
    • Users can pre-register for your app on Google Play, and Google Ads will promote it across its network to reach potential users who are likely to be interested.

Each of these campaign types leverages Google’s extensive reach and machine learning capabilities to optimize your advertising spend and maximize the impact of your app promotions.

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