Home » CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I Certification Exam Answers

CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I Certification Exam Answers

by IndiaSuccessStories
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CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I Exam Quiz Answers

  • Radio
  • Telegraph
  • Vacuum tubes
  • Declarative
  • Exclamatory
  • Imperative
  • Question
  • Design, implementation, and testing
  • Requirements, construction, and testing
  • Design, construction, and implementation
  • Requirements, design, and implementation
  • Architecture
  • Flowchart
  • Procedure
  • Process
  • A set of general steps needed to perform a stage of the system life cycle
  • A set of tools that supports the activities of each stage of the system life cycle
  • A set of processes that guides the stages of the system development life cycle
  • A procedure that specifies detailed steps to perform a stage of the system life cycle
  • Functional
  • Imperative
  • Logic
  • Object
  • Lease the JDK
  • Purchase a JDK license
  • Purchase a copy of JDK
  • Accept the JDK license terms
  • sample.exe
  • sample.java
  • sample.class
  • sample.bytecode
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Ethics
  • Logic
  • It Increases software development costs and improves software quality
  • It decreases software development costs and improves software quality
  • It increases software life-cycle costs and decreases coupling of implementation and use
  • It decreases software life-cycle costs and increases coupling of implementation and use
  • Data and related object-oriented functions
  • A data type for a set of object-oriented programs
  • An object-oriented construct for saving the state of an object
  • A program construct used to define objects that share common attributes
  • Any Java object type
  • Any primitive data type
  • Only char and string types
  • Only primitive numeric types
  • Any text editor may be used to create a Java source program
  • Java source files can be of many file types, such as .txt, .java, .xml, or .docx
  • The file name of a Java source file must be the name of the only public class in the file
  • Word Processing software such as Microsoft Word is often used to create Java source programs
  • Include the Java package in the Java command line
  • Include the Java package in the Javoc command line
  • Import the Java package anywhere in the java source file
  • Import the Java class at the beginning of the java source file
  • short
  • int
  • logic
  • string
  • Using double, calculate 7 / 2
  • Using int, calculate 50000 + 5000000
  • Using short, calculate 1+2+3+……+200
  • Using unsigned int, calculate 100 – 5000
  • -2
  • -1
  • 0
  • 1
  • Technology t
  • through engineering to design.
  • Technology through engineering to design.
  • A compile error, since a string is immutable
  • Any Java object type
  • Any primitive data type
  • Only char and string types
  • Only primitive numeric types
  • (grade >= 70) && (grade < 80)
  • (grade <= 80) && (grade > 70)
  • !(grade < 70) || !(grade >79)
  • !((grade < 70) || (grade >79))
  • (A&amp;&amp; B) || !B
  • (A &amp;&amp; B) || !A
  • (A || B) &amp;&amp; (!A || B)
  • (B &amp;&amp; !A) || (A &amp;&amp; B)
  • They have the same form
  • They have the same values
  • They have the same truth tables
  • They have the same symbols in the same order
  • int x;
  • x = 1;
  • if then
  • puts
  • if (roomLength == 20) (if (visualAcuity – 1.0 < .001))

// checks for acuity equal to 1+-.001

System.out.println(“Recommended font size for a room of length “

+ roomLength + ” is: ” + DisplayPixel (roomLength, visualAcuity));

//DisplayPixel is a function call that does the engineering calculation

  • if (roomLength == 20) if (visualAcuity – 1.0 < .001)

// checks for acuity equal to 1+-.001

System.out.println(“Recommended font size for a room of length “

+ roomLength + ” is: ” + DisplayPixel (roomLength, visualAcuity));

//DisplayPixel is a function call that does the engineering calculation

  • if (roomLength == 20) {if (visualAcuity – 1.0 < .001)

// checks for acuity equal to 1+-.001

System.out.println(“Recommended font size for a room of length ” +

roomLength + ” is: ” + DisplayPixel (roomLength, visualAcuity))};

//DisplayPixel is a function call that does the engineering calculation

  • if (roomLength == 20) if (visualAcuity – 1.0 < .001)

// checks for acuity equal to 1+-.001

{System.out.println(“Recommended font size for a room of length ” +

roomLength + ” is: ” + DisplayPixel (roomLength, visualAcuity))};

//DisplayPixel is a function call that does the engineering calculation

  • Variables in expression and label1 can be global variables
  • label1 and the variables in expression must be of integer type
  • expression must evaluate to an integer and label1 must be an integer literal
  • If expression equals the variable label1, the statements of label1 are executed
  • int cost, ticket = 1; //value of ticket comes from System.in

for (; ticket != 0;) {

    cost = ticket;

    System.out.println(“ticket cost $” + cost);

    System.out.println(“ticket wins $” + cost * 10);

    ticket = value; // ticket given a value of 1, 5, 9 from input



  • int cost, ticket; //value of ticket comes from System.in

for (; ticket != 0;) {

    cost = ticket;

    System.out.println(“ticket cost $” + cost);

    System.out.println(“ticket wins $” + cost * 10);

    ticket = 1; // ticket given a value of 1, 5, 9 from input


  • int cost, ticket = 1; //value of ticket comes from System.in

for (; ticket != 0;) {

    ticket = cost;

    System.out.println(“ticket cost $” + cost);

    System.out.println(“ticket wins $” + cost * 10);

    ticket = 1; // ticket given a value of 1, 5, 9 from input



  • int cost, ticket = 1; //value of ticket comes from System.in

for (;;;) {

    cost = ticket;

    System.out.println(“ticket cost $” + cost);

    System.out.println(“ticket wins $” + cost * 10);

    ticket = 1; // ticket given a value of 1, 5, 9 from input


  • By class data
  • By static data
  • By local variables
  • By method arguments
  • The program name in which the method is defined and a dot
  • The name of the class in which the method is defined and a dot
  • The name of an instance of the class in which the method is defined and a dot
  • The keyword new followed by the name of a class constructor for the method
  • An array is a java object
  • An array parameter is passed by reference
  • An array can be used to group different types
  • Components of an array are accessed by simple identifiers

Answer: Option D

  • for (Car findCar: inventory) {

    findCar.statusCar = “in”;

    System.out.print(findCar.typeCar + ” “);

    System.out.print(findCar.modelCar + ” “);

    System.out.println(findCar.statusCar + ” “);


  • int[] indexArray = { 0, 1, 2 };

for (int findCar: indexArray) {

    inventory[findCar].statusCar = “in”;

    System.out.print(inventory[findCar].typeCar + ” “);

    System.out.print(inventory[findCar].modelCar + ” “);

    System.out.println(inventory[findCar].statusCar + ” “);


  • Car[] indexArray = { inventory[0], inventory[1], inventory[2] };

for (int findCar: indexArray) {

    findCar.statusCar = “in”;

    System.out.print(findCar.typeCar + ” “);

    System.out.print(findCar.modelCar + ” “);

    System.out.println(findCar.statusCar + ” “);


  • Car[] indexArray = { inventory[0], inventory[1], inventory[2] };

for (Car findCar: inventory) {

    findCar.statusCar = “in”;

    System.out.print(findCar.typeCar + ” “);

    System.out.print(findCar.modelCar + ” “);

    System.out.println(findCar.statusCar + ” “);


  • System.read
  • System.err
  • System.util.scanner.nextInt()
  • System.util.scanner.nextLine()
  • When data used by a program is useful for other programs
  • When data used by a program is dependent on the program
  • When you want the program to write its data faster than to external file
  • When you want the program to read its data faster than from an external file
  • The Scanner class can be used to read byte data
  • The Scanner class can be used to read input data
  • Data can only be read from a file using the FileReader class.
  • The Scanner class can only be used to read data from the keyboard
  • Hello World
  • It would give a null pointer exception
  • It would give an array store exception
  • It would give an out of bounds exception
  • 3, 7, 11
  • 3, 7, 9, 13
  • 3, 7, 11, 13
  • 3, 7, 9, 11, 13
  • Each atomic statement is assigned the value True
  • Each atomic statement is assigned the value False
  • If an atomic statement is true, it is assigned the value True; otherwise it is False
  • A sequence of n atomic statements is assigned 2n permutations of True and False
  • GUI
  • RAM
  • Cache
  • Transistor
  • Design and implementation
  • Implementation and Testing
  • Requirements and Design
  • Requirements and Testing
  • run sample
  • java sample
  • run sample.class
  • java sample.class
  • To make decisions
  • To discover new information
  • To execute sets of instructions
  • To recognize problems and create solutions
  • Objects and messages
  • Functions and operations
  • Predicates and operations
  • Data and control statements
  • A set of values for a data type
  • A data type and its associated programs
  • A construct that characterizes a member of a class
  • A set of constructs that communicate via messages
  • java Hello
  • javac Hello
  • java Test.java
  • javac Test.java
  • A collection of classes used by a program
  • A collection GUI tools used by a program
  • A collection of objects that make up a program
  • A collection of programs used by an application
  • 231
  • 264
  • (232)-1
  • (264)-1
  • binary
  • decimal
  • double
  • long
  • !(x > y)
  • -x <= -y
  • (x < y) && (x = y)
  • (x +1) >= (y + 1)
  • if (status = ‘e’) {

    if (credits >= 60)

        System.out.println(“student:”, studentID);


  • (if status == ‘e’) {

    (if credits >= 60)

    System.out.println(“student:”, studentID);


  • if (status = ‘e’) {

    if (credits! < 60)

        System.out.println(“student:”, studentID);


  • int age, weight;

(age >= 18 && age <= 60) && (weight >= 110))

  • long age, weight;

(age >= 18. && age <= 60.) && (weight >= 110.)

  • int ageInMonths ; long weight;

(ageInMonths >= 216 && ageInMonths <= 720) && (weight >= 110.)

  • int ageInMonths; long weight;

(ageInMonths >= 216 && ageInMonths <= 720) && (weight > 109.9999)

  • (weight >= 110) && (age >= 17) && (iron2 >12.0)
  • ((weight >= 110) && (age >= 17)) || ((iron1 >= 12.0) || (iron2 >= 12.0))
  • ((weight >= 110) && (age >= 17)) && ((iron1 >= 12.0) || (iron2 >= 12.0))
  • ((weight >= 110) && (age >= 17) && (iron1 >12.0)) || ((weight >= 110) && (age >= 17) && (iron2 >12.0))
  • int routeNum = 95;

if (routeNum % 2 == 0)

    System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs east-west”)

else System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs north-south”);

  • int routeNum = 95;

if (routeNum % 2 == 0)

    System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs east-west”);

else System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs north-south”);

  • int routeNum = 95;

(if routeNum % 2 == 0)

    System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs east-west”);

else System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs north-south”);

  • int routeNum = 95;

if (routeNum % 2 == 0)

    System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs east-west”);

else {

    System.out.println(“Route ” + routeNum + ” runs north-south”);


  • case 2
  • label 3
  • It would give a compile error
  • It would give a runtime error
  • A calls any method of B
  • A calls a public method of B
  • A calls one of its methods which interfaces with B
  • A calls a class script, which in turn shares data with B
  • public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {




  • public static void main(String[] args) {

    instanceData = 4;


  • public static void main(String[] args) {

    ClassName obj = new ClassName();

    obj.instantData = 4;


  • public static void main(String[] args) {

    ClassName obj = new ClassName();



  • An enhanced for-loop uses subscripts to incrementally access elements of an array.
  • An enhanced for-loop has a concise structure related syntax for iterating over an array.
  • An enhanced for-loop generates validity checks for indices used in the body of the loop.
  • An enhanced for-loop uses for-loop features together with structure related features to iterate over an array.
  • String s1 = ” CUSTOMER”;

String s2 = ” NAME”;

String s3 = ” ID#”;

System.out.println(“%2$s %1$s”, “s1+s2”, “s3”);

String s1 = ” CUSTOMER”;

String s2 = ” NAME”;

String s3 = ” ID#”;

System.out.println( % 2 $s % 1 $s “, s1+s2, s3.;   

  • String s1 = ” CUSTOMER”;

String s2 = ” NAME”;

String s3 = ” ID#”;

String heading = String.format(“%2$s %1$s”, s1 + s2, s3.;


  • String s1 = ” CUSTOMER”;

String s2 = ” NAME”;

String s3 = ” ID#”;

String heading = String.format(“%2$s %1$s”, “s1+s2”, “s3”);


  • import java.io.*;

class WriteCarFile {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        String carfileName = “CarInventory.txt”;


        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(carfileName, true);

        writer.write(“4 LCAR Audi 0 in\n”);

        writer.write(“5 FFAR Suburban 0 in\n”);

        writer.write(“6 PPAR Ford150 0 in\n”);




  • import java.io.*;

class WriteCarFile {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String carfileName = “CarInventory.txt”;

        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(carfileName, false);

        writer.write(“4 LCAR Audi 0 in”);

        writer.write(“5 FFAR Suburban 0 in”);

        writer.write(“6 PPAR Ford150 0 in”);




  • import java.io.*;

class WriteCarFile {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        String carfileName = “CarInventory.txt”;

        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(carfileName, true);

        writer.write(“4 LCAR Audi 0 in\n”);

        writer.write(“5 FFAR Suburban 0 in\n”);

        writer.write(“6 PPAR Ford150 0 in\n”);




  • import java.io.*;

class WriteCarFile {

    public static void main(String[] args)


        String carfileName = “CarInventory.txt”;

        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(carfileName, true);

        writer.write(“4 LCAR Audi 0 in\n”);

        writer.write(“5 FFAR Suburban 0 in\n”);

        writer.write(“6 PPAR Ford150 0 in\n”);




  • At run-time
  • At design time
  • At compile time
  • During requirements specification
  • Every method
  • A method that might cause an exception
  • Only the methods that have a ‘catch’ clause
  • A method that might cause an exception, and each method in its chain
  • ‘null’
  • Unspecified
  • False or True
  • False and True
  • When it is not possible for P or Q to be true and R false
  • When it is not possible for P and Q to be true and R false
  • When it is not possible for P or Q to be false and R true
  • When it is not possible for P and Q to be false and R true
  • Objects
  • Network support
  • Memory management
  • Communication support
  • To test Java programs
  • To analyze Java programs
  • To compile Java programs
  • To document Java programs
  • It promotes platform independence
  • It promotes program interdependence
  • It allows for encapsulation of data and procedures
  • It has greater execution efficiency compared to older paradigms
  • public, static, String, void
  • args, public, static, String, void
  • main, public, static, String, void
  • args, main, public, static, String, void
  • It can be anywhere in the Java source file
  • It makes the names of external classes visible
  • It includes external classes in a java source file
  • Together with *, it makes a class and subclasses visible
  • 1
  • x
  • x+1
  • An error
  • y
  • null
  • blank
  • empty
  • label 1
  • label 1

label 2

  • It would give a compile error
  • It would give a runtime error
  • int array1[4];
  • int[4] array1;
  • int[] array1 = new int[4];
  • int array1[] = new Array[4];

Answer: Option A

  • public static void main (String [] args) {

Car [] inventory = new Car [1000];

int [] i = {0, 1, 2, …, inventory. length – 1};

//assume the dots are the intervening digits

inventory [0] = new Car (“LCAR”, “Infinity”, 0, “in”);

inventory [1] = new Car (“FFAR”, “Expedition”, 0, “in”);

inventory [2] = new Car (“SFAR”, “Explorer”, 0, “in”);

//assume the dots represent the code to initialize the rest of inventory

for (int index: i) {

if (index >= 0 && index < inventory. length)

System.out.println(inventory[index]. idCar + ” “

+ inventory[index]. typeCar + ” ” + inventory[index]. modelCar

+ ” ” + inventory[index]. statusCar);



  • public static void main (String [] args) {

Car [] inventory = new Car [];

int [] i = {0, 1, 2, …, inventory. length – 1};

//assume the dots are the intervening digits

inventory [0] = new Car (“LCAR”, “Infinity”, 0, “in”);

inventory [1] = new Car (“FFAR”, “Expedition”, 0, “in”);

inventory [2] = new Car (“SFAR”, “Explorer”, 0, “in”);

//assume the dots represent the code to initialize the rest of inventory

for (int index: i) {

if (index >= 0 && index < inventory. length)

System.out.println(inventory[index]. idCar + ” “

+ inventory[index]. typeCar + ” ” + inventory[index]. modelCar

+ ” ” + inventory[index]. statusCar);



  • public static void main (String [] args) {

Car [] inventory = new Car [1000];

int [] i = {0, 1, 2, …, inventory. length – 1};

//assume the dots are the intervening digits

inventory [0] = new Car (“LCAR”, “Infinity”, 0, “in”);

inventory [1] = new Car (“FFAR”, “Expedition”, 0, “in”);

inventory [2] = new Car (“SFAR”, “Explorer”, 0, “in);

//assume the dots represent the code to initialize the rest of inventory

for (int index: i) {

if (i >= 0 && i < inventory. length)

System.out.println(inventory[i]. idCar + ” ” + inventory[i]. typeCar

+ ” ” + inventory[i]. modelCar + ” ” + inventory[i]. statusCar);



  • public static void main (String [] args) {

Car [] inventory = new Car [1000];

int [] i = {0, 1, 2, …, inventory. length – 1};

//assume the dots are the intervening digits

inventory [0] = new Car (“LCAR”, “Infinity”, 0, “in”);

inventory [1] = new Car (“FFAR”, “Expedition”, 0, “in”);

inventory [2] = new Car (“SFAR”, “Explorer”, 0, “in”);

… //assume the dots represent the code to initialize the rest of inventory

for (int index: i) {

if (index >= 0 && index < inventory. length)

System.out.println(inventory[index]. idCar

+ ” ” + inventory[index]. typeCar + ” “

+ inventory[index]. modelCar + ” ” + inventory[index]. statusCar);



  • A text editor
  • The JRE interpreter
  • The JDK Java editor
  • Windows Visual Studio
  • Inheritance
  • Constructors
  • Polymorphism
  • Declaration keywords
  • False


  • False


  • True


  • True


  • Transacting an online bank deposit
  • Performing a computation specified by an equation
  • Selecting the next statement to execute based on a condition
  • Executing a block of code repetitively using different data values
  • String str = “John”;


  • String str = new String(“John”);


  • String str = new String(“John”);


  • for (int row, col = 0; row < 100 and col < 3; row++) {

    if (inventory[row][1] == “mid” &&

        inventory[row][2] == “chv”);


  • for (int row, col = 0; row < 100 and col < 3; row++) {

    if (inventory[row][col] == “mid” &&

        inventory[row][col + 1] == “chv”);


  • for (int row, col = 0; col < 3 && row < 100; col++) {

    if (inventory[col][row] == “mid” &&

        inventory[col][2] == “chv”);


  • for (int row, col = 0; col < 3 && row < 100; col++) {

    if (inventory[col][row] == “mid” &&

        Inventory[col][row + 1] == “chv”);


  • mystring




  • mystring





  • mystring




  • It would give an execution error
  • define and allocate a file object

use the object’s write method to write string fields

use the object’s close method to close the file

  • construct a FileWriter object with a file name

use the objects write method to write character lines to the file

use the objects close method to close the file

  • declare a file name

construct a FileWriter object with that defined file name

use a FileWriter method to write string lines to the file

use a FileWriter method to close the file

  • define a file name

use the FileWriter open method to allocate a file with that name

use the FileWriter write method to write byte to that file

use the FileWriter close method to close the file

  • Scanner methods can be used to read a text file
  • A File class object is attached to a Scanner object
  • A File class method can be used to check for end of file
  • Scanner.class methods do not throw file related checked exceptions
  • The second generation, which was characterized by transistors
  • The third generation, which was characterized by integrated circuits
  • The fourth generation, which was characterized by very-large-scale integration
  • The fifth generation, which was characterized by massive parallel hardware
  • They improve the performance of the process
  • They remove the people involved in the process
  • They generate ideas for how to streamline the process
  • They decrease the amount of data involved in the process
  • B is a subclass of A, and C is a subclass of B
  • A is a subclass of B, and B is a subclass of C
  • A is a superclass of C, and B is a superclass of C
  • A is a superclass of B and C, and C is a subclass of A
  • 123. is the same as “123F”
  • A short type can represent 34567
  • An int can represent about 8 digits of precision
  • A float can represent about 7 digits of precision
  • true
  • false
  • It would give a syntax error
  • It would give a runtime error
  • A &amp; &amp; B
  • ! A &amp; &amp; B
  • ! A &amp; &amp; B
  • ! (A &amp; &amp; B)
  • A
  • B
  • (! A OR B) AND (A OR! B)
  • (! A AND! B) OR (A AND! B)
  • import java.util.*
  • long size = 1234567890;
  • System.out.println(“Hello world!”);
  • try {System.out.println(s. substring(start))};
  • import java.io. *;

import java. util. Scanner;

public class CarInventory {

public static void main (String [] args) {

Scanner fileScr;

Scanner keyBoardScr;

String fileName = “carInventory.txt”;

keyBoardScr = new Scanner (System.in);

try {

File carFile = new File(fileName);

fileScr = new Scanner(carFile);

} catch (IOException e) {

e. printStackTrace ();


String car = null;

if (fileScr.hasNext())

car = fileScr.next();

while (car! = null) {


car = fileScr.next();




  • import java.io. *;

import java. util. Scanner;

public class CarInventory {

public static void main (String [] args) {

Scanner fileScr;

String fileName = “carInventory.txt”;

keyBoardScr = new Scanner (System.in);

try {

File carFile = new File(fileName);

fileScr = new Scanner(carFile);

} catch (IOException e) {

e. printStackTrace ();


String car = null;

if (fileScr.hasNext())

car = fileScr.next();

while (car! = null) {


car = fileScr.next();




  • import java.io. *;

import java. util. Scanner;

public class CarInventory {

public static void main (String [] args) {

Scanner fileScr;

Scanner keyBoardScr;

keyBoardScr = new Scanner (System.in);

try {

File carFile = new File(fileName);

fileScr = new Scanner(carFile);

} catch (IOException e) {

e. printStackTrace ();


String car = null;

if (fileScr.hasNext())

car = fileScr.next();

while (car! = null) {


car = fileScr.next();




  • import java.io. *;

import java. util. Scanner;

public class CarInventory {

public static void main (String [] args) {

Scanner fileScr;

Scanner keyBoardScr;

String fileName = “carInventory.txt”;

Scanner keyBoardScr = new Scanner (System.in);

try {

File carFile = new File(fileName);

fileScr = new Scanner(carFile);

} catch (IOException e) {

e. printStackTrace ();


String car = null;

if (fileScr.hasNext())

car = fileScr.next();

while (car! = null) {


car = fileScr.next();




  • Machine independence
  • Many low-level facilities
  • An object model, like C++
  • Manual memory management
  • .html
  • .java
  • .jdoc
  • .txt
  • C is an object
  • CQ is an object
  • CQ is a subclass of C
  • CQ is a parent of class C
  • They have the same class data and behavior
  • They have different class data and behavior
  • They have the same class data and different behavior
  • They have different class data and the same behavior
  • A category of data that is part of the Java language
  • A user-defined class that declares a set of variables
  • A user-defined object that declares a set of identifiers
  • A piece of information needed by the Java Virtual Machine
  • 0
  • 0.5
  • 1/2
  • 1
  • They define the data that is stored
  • They change the data that is stored
  • They determine the order in which code is executed
  • They declare the name and type of data that is input
  • Conditions
  • Counters
  • Sentinels
  • Updaters
  • Traditional error handling
  • Default exception handling
  • Java’s exception-handling model
  • Terminate the program by calling System.exit
  • 1.1
  • integer 1.1
  • It would give a run-time exception
  • It would give a compile format error
  • UNIX
  • Transistors
  • Vacuum tubes
  • Integrated circuits
  • Composition of detailed components
  • Decomposition into major components
  • Hierarchy of components and subcomponents
  • Language for forming instructions that control components
  • Abstraction
  • Composition
  • Decomposition
  • Language

Introduction to Computer Science I

Introduction to Computer Science I is typically the first course in a series that introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer science. The course aims to provide a solid foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of computing. Here are some key topics that are commonly covered in such a course:

  1. Programming Fundamentals: Students often learn a programming language such as Python, Java, or C++. They start with basic syntax, data types, variables, and control structures (like loops and conditionals).
  2. Algorithms and Problem Solving: The course covers how to design and analyze algorithms to solve computational problems efficiently. Topics may include sorting, searching, recursion, and algorithm complexity.
  3. Data Structures: This involves understanding different ways to organize and store data in a computer’s memory. Common data structures covered include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and hash tables.
  4. Computer Architecture: An overview of how computers are built and how they execute instructions, including topics like CPU, memory, input/output, and basic operating system concepts.
  5. Software Engineering Principles: Introduces students to good programming practices such as modular design, debugging techniques, testing, and version control systems (like Git).
  6. Ethical and Social Issues in Computing: Discusses the impact of computing on society, including topics like privacy, security, intellectual property, and the ethical responsibilities of computer professionals.
  7. Introduction to Databases: Basic concepts related to database systems, such as data modeling, SQL queries, and relational databases.
  8. Introduction to Web Development: Basic web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript might be introduced, along with how web servers and browsers work together.
  9. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Some courses may touch upon basic concepts in AI, such as machine learning and neural networks.


By the end of the course, students are expected to have a solid understanding of basic programming principles, be able to solve simple computational problems using algorithms and data structures, and have a foundation for further study in computer science.

Overall, Introduction to Computer Science I sets the stage for deeper exploration into the various domains of computer science and prepares students for more advanced coursework in the field.

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