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Building Cloud Native and Multicloud Applications Cognitive Class Exam Answers

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Introduction to Building Cloud Native and Multicloud Applications

Building cloud-native and multicloud applications is pivotal in modern software development, leveraging the flexibility, scalability, and resilience offered by cloud environments. This approach focuses on designing applications specifically to harness the capabilities of cloud infrastructure, rather than merely adapting traditional software to run in the cloud.

Cloud-Native Applications

Cloud-native applications are designed to fully exploit cloud computing capabilities. Key principles include:

  1. Microservices Architecture: Applications are composed of small, independent services that communicate through APIs. This enhances scalability, resilience, and enables continuous delivery.
  2. Containers: Applications are packaged with all dependencies into lightweight containers. This ensures consistency across different environments, from development to production.
  3. DevOps Practices: Automation, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD) are essential. This allows rapid and reliable application updates.
  4. Elasticity and Scalability: Applications can dynamically scale based on demand, leveraging cloud-native services like auto-scaling and serverless computing.
  5. Resilience: Applications are designed with fault tolerance in mind, utilizing features like redundancy, graceful degradation, and quick recovery from failures.

Multicloud Applications

Multicloud applications extend the cloud-native approach by distributing workloads across multiple cloud providers. This strategy offers several advantages:

  1. Vendor Lock-In Mitigation: By using multiple cloud providers, organizations reduce dependence on any single vendor and gain flexibility in pricing and service offerings.
  2. Geographical Optimization: Deploying applications across different cloud regions or providers can optimize performance and reduce latency for global users.
  3. High Availability: Redundancy across multiple clouds enhances application availability. Failover mechanisms can reroute traffic to an operational cloud provider in case of a failure.
  4. Disaster Recovery: Multicloud strategies can improve disaster recovery capabilities by replicating data and applications across geographically dispersed cloud environments.

Building Multicloud and Cloud-Native Applications

To effectively build multicloud and cloud-native applications, consider the following steps:

  1. Architecture Design: Adopt microservices and containerization to facilitate scalability and portability across clouds.
  2. Service Discovery and Orchestration: Use tools like Kubernetes for container orchestration and service discovery to manage complex deployments.
  3. Data Management: Implement distributed data management strategies to ensure consistency and availability across multiple cloud environments.
  4. Security: Employ robust security practices, including encryption, identity management, and compliance monitoring, tailored to multicloud environments.
  5. Monitoring and Governance: Utilize monitoring tools to track performance metrics and ensure compliance with organizational policies across all cloud platforms.
  6. Automation: Implement automation for deployment, scaling, and management of applications to streamline operations and reduce manual effort.

By adopting these practices, organizations can effectively leverage cloud-native and multicloud architectures to achieve agility, scalability, and resilience in their applications, meeting the demands of modern digital business landscapes.

Building Cloud Native and Multicloud Applications Cognitive Class Certification Answers

Question 1: Which is not a characteristic of Cloud Native?

  • resiliency
  • agility
  • dedicated
  • observability

Question 2: Which is an ultimate goal of Cloud Native application design?

  • horizontally scale across cloud boundaries
  • vertically scale to take advantage of improved CPU, memory and disk resources
  • seamlessly build, orchestrate and run highly scalable applications
  • scale on-demand to meet customer needs
  • All of the above

Question 3: What does CD stand for?

  • Continuous Development and Delivery
  • Cloud Development and Delivery
  • Continuous Delivery and Deployment
  • Cloud Delivery and Deployment

Question 4: Which simple definition below best describes DevOps?

  • Assuring Dev and Ops teams have tooling to communicate properly
  • Bringing Dev and Ops teams together to diagnose problems in production
  • Bringing Dev and Ops teams together to increase application operability and end-to-end agility
  • Assuring Dev and Ops teams have the same access controls on target environments

Question 5: Which is goal of Cloud Native Observability?

  • Increase time-to-failure
  • Optimize continuous automation
  • Optimize Resources and Costs
  • Increase provisioning agility

Question 1: Which is not a use case for developing Cloud Native applications?

  • Optimize for server hardware
  • Polyglot programming
  • Flexible feature integration
  • Efficient resource scaling

Question 2: Which application modernization path leverages microservices?

  • Infrastructural Path
  • Architectural Path
  • Delivery Path
  • None of the above
  • All of the above

Question 3: When building applications as a Container you start with what artifact?

  • An “operating system image”
  • A “multi-layered image”
  • A “base image”
  • A “cloud native image”
  • All of the above

Question 4: Which statement is true for Container images?

  • New layers are automatically flattened
  • Developers must add their own runtimes
  • Base layers can be patched as needed
  • Container images contain hardware virtualization support
  • None of the above
  • All of the above

Question 5: Which options below are best practices for data migration? Check all that apply.

  • Only use dedicated networks
  • Verify transfer impacts on business
  • Transfer mission-critical data in stages
  • Test for data integrity at intervals

Question 1: The Event Interception strategy primarily relies upon?

  • “Intercepting” user invocations of APIs
  • “Tapping” into events at the data services layer
  • “Intercepting” function calls within the application
  • “Capturing” events initiated by functions
  • None of the above

Question 2: This is a popular containerization tool:

  • WebSphere
  • MicroProfile
  • git
  • Docker
  • Jenkins

Question 3: In the IBM Garage Method “Envision” is trying to achieve:

  • Consistent performance and SLAs are met
  • Better understand the business domain
  • Discover new business opportunities
  • Create diverse teams and empower them to make decisions
  • Creation of a reliable and repeatable approach for delivering high priority items to customers

Question 4: Which is are the functional problem with a monolithic application architecture? Check all that apply.

  • High cohesion, low coupling
  • High scalability
  • Low Cohesion, high coupling
  • Low learning curves
  • All the above

Question 5: What is the name of the dashboard controlling an OpenShift cluster?

  • Advanced Web Console
  • WebSphere
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm
  • Docker

Question 1: Which is a benefit of a CI/CD process?

  • Cheaper
  • Auditable
  • Faster
  • Repeatable
  • All the Above

Question 2: GitOps is a type of Immutable Infrastructure Practice?

  • True
  • False

Question 3: In Tekton what resource maps fields from an event message?

  • TriggerBinding
  • ServiceAccount
  • Pipeline
  • EventListener
  • Task

Question 4: A CI/CD process is started when?

  • The daily stand-up ends
  • a support ticket is created
  • QA has completed their manual testing script
  • a developer pushes code to a repo
  • A manager gives sign-off

Question 5: Merging code into the main or production branch would happen during this phase:

  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Iteration

Question 1: OpenShift helps organizations operate in a multicloud environment by?

  • Relaxing security barriers
  • Limiting the tools available to developers and operators
  • Providing a consistent dashboard and operating environment
  • Adding an additional layer of complexity

Question 2: How does a Multi-Cloud Architecture improve an organization’s resiliency?

  • Providing failover if a cloud provider experiences an outage
  • Speed delivery to market
  • Allow workloads to be run on client systems
  • Give organization’s leverage during contract negotiations
  • Reducing operational expenses

Question 3: Multi-Cloud Manager Uses these tools to handle the automated provisioning of cloud resources?

  • COBOL, Bash, and vim
  • Jenkins and C++
  • Kubernetes, and Docker
  • Advanced Cloud Manager, Ansible Tower, and Terraform
  • Java, Docker, and Jenkins

Question 4: An organization might adopt a multi-cloud strategy for the following reason?

  • Leverage unique cloud platform advantages
  • Improved Multi-Region support
  • Cost Savings
  • Scale and Resiliency benefits
  • All the Above

Question 5: Multi-Cloud Manager Cloud Pak comes with the capability of monitoring costs and resource usages across cloud platforms?

  • True
  • False

Question 1: What is not a goal of Cloud Native?

  • exploit cloud orchestration and scheduling
  • leverage cloud provider platform training
  • exploit cloud resources and services
  • leverage cloud native technologies

Question 2: Cloud Native applications can take advantage of cloud provider’s…?

  • application data services
  • orchestration and scheduling services
  • application platform services
  • converged infrastructure resources and services
  • All of the above

Question 3: What phases of the Software Development Lifecycle does Cloud Native agility focus on?

  • Idea
  • Build
  • Deploy
  • Code
  • All of the above

Question 4: Using scripts and declarative configuration, that are managed using CI processes, to automate the provisioning and deployment of code is called?

  • Cloud Native Infrastructure
  • Configuration-as-Code
  • Infrastructure-as-Code
  • Cloud Declarative Provisioning

Question 5: Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) practices suggests the creation of what teams separate from product delivery teams?

  • DevSecOps teams
  • Security teams
  • Reliability teams
  • Resiliency teams

Question 6: Which application modernization path utilizes automated CI/CD pipelines?

  • Infrastructural Path
  • Delivery Path
  • Architectural Path
  • None of the above
  • All of the above

Question 7: Virtual Machine (VM) image sizes are typically measured in what units?

  • Megabytes
  • Gigabits
  • Gigabytes
  • Megabits
  • All of the above

Question 8: Why are Virtual Machine (VM) images so large compared to Containers?

  • VMs cannot be compressed or flattened
  • VMs must include a hypervisor
  • VMs must include a full “guest” Operating System
  • VMs must always contain a backup snapshot
  • All of the above

Question 9: Which popular Linux operating system distribution is also available as a base container image?

  • Ubuntu
  • Red Hat
  • Suse
  • All of the above

Question 10: Which of the following is a law or regulation designed to protect a user’s Personal Identifying Information (PII)? Check all that apply.

  • United States Cloud Privacy Regulation (USCPR)
  • European Union Privacy Law 2019 (EUPL2019)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • ISO/IEC 27017

Question 11: What are the functional characteristics of a Microservice architecture? Check all that apply.

  • Highly scalable
  • Independent, single purpose services
  • Agile delivery of features
  • High cohesion, low coupling
  • All the above

Question 12: What is a best practice when using the Strangler pattern?

  • Assume reason for complexity
  • Start with “low hanging fruit”
  • Continue to add new features to legacy app during process
  • Only partially migrate
  • Carry over technical debt from existing monolith

Question 13: Containers help ease deployments by:

  • Adding significant overhead when running an application
  • Having long startup times
  • Requiring complex setup when deploying an applications
  • Being difficult to share
  • Packaging all an application’s runtime dependencies

Question 14: The following is a Cloud Pak offered by IBM:

  • Security
  • Integration
  • Data
  • Application
  • All the above

Question 15: After being built container images are stored in a:

  • Floppy Disk
  • Microservice
  • Email
  • Database
  • Container Image Repository

Question 16: Which of the following is NOT part of CI/CD?

  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Design
  • Continuous Deployment

Question 17: How does defining a CI/CD process in code improve observability?

  • An automated CI/CD process is slower than a manual one
  • Code must be compiled before it can run
  • An automated CI/CD process is faster than a manual one
  • Code can be reviewed independent of execution

Question 18: Which of the following steps occur in Continuous Integration?

  • Configure environment
  • Create a release tag
  • Run automated tests
  • Deploy to stage
  • Deploy to Production

Question 19: This tool can be used to define a GitOps process:

  • ArgoCD
  • Knative
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Tomcat

Question 20: What does a unit test validate?

  • A system can process a transaction
  • An application can communicate with external systems
  • An application’s internal behavior
  • An application meets visual criteria
  • An application is meeting performance requirements

Question 21: This tool in OpenShift allows additional features and functionality to be added to an OpenShift cluster?

  • Kubernetes
  • IBM Garage
  • Operator Hub
  • Aspera
  • Data Cloud Pak

Question 22: Organizations can combine Hybrid-Cloud and Multi-Cloud architecture?

  • True
  • False

Question 23: Regulatory requirements around data storing and processing often concern?

  • Who has access to the data
  • Where data is processed
  • The type of data stored (e.g. personally identifiable data)
  • Where data is stored
  • All the above

Question 24: How can a Multicloud or Hybrid-Cloud architecture help an organization meet regulatory requirements?

  • Improve resiliency and scale capabilities
  • Improve response time for users
  • Provide greater observability
  • Allow data to be stored and processed in a specific jurisdiction or geographical region
  • All the Above

Question 25: A multicloud architecture can help an organization save on operational costs by?

  • Improve disaster recovery capabilities
  • Provide be multi-region support
  • Allow for hyper-scaling of infrastructure
  • Take advantage of better pricing for certain services or worloads
  • All the Above

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