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Amazon Ads Campaign Planning Certification Exam Answers

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Amazon Ads Campaign Planning Exam Quiz Answers

  • False
  • True
  • Promote an exclusive offer
  • Drive conversions
  • Promote an event
  • Drive awareness of a new product
  • Demographic
  • Overlap reports
  • Timing
  • Purchase frequency
  • Reengage shoppers after they use the discovery bar or browse for related products
  • Reach customers who are not actively searching or browsing for related products
  • Help reach 10 times more high-intent shoppers
  • All of these
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • The audience is 4 times as likely to interact with the brand than the average audience on Amazon.
  • The overlapping audience is 4 times as likely to fall into the audience selected for the report than the average audience on Amazon.
  • The overlapping audience is 40% similar to the average audience on Amazon.
  • The audience is larger than 40% of all Amazon audiences.
  • Conversion rate
  • Search impressions
  • Glance views
  • Earned media impressions
  • For campaigns with an awareness goal
  • When there is a cost per acquisition goal
  • When the goal is viewability
  • When incremental reach is important
  • 13 months
  • 12 months
  • 14 days
  • 6 months
  • Demographic
  • Overlap reports
  • Timing
  • Purchase frequency
  • Direct response
  • Awareness
  • neither of these
  • Link in campaigns
  • Link out campaigns
  • None of the above
  • View demographic insights for men’s and women’s clothing separately
  • View demographic insights for categories other than men’s and women’s clothing.
  • View demographic insights for all product categories combined
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Products
  • Custom solutions
  • Display ads
  • Sponsorships
  • Video ads
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Display ads
  • Driving purchase and building loyalty
  • Building brand awareness and driving purchase
  • Driving consideration and purchase
  • Building brand awareness and driving consideration
  • Use display ads to remarket to audiences who have viewed her product detail pages but did not purchase.
  • Focus on educating shoppers on product details and how-tos.
  • Build brand recognition with shoppers.
  • Use sponsored ads to encourage repeat purchases.
  • Purchase campaign to reach shoppers that have not purchased from the brand before
  • Loyalty campaign to reach shoppers that have purchased products, to remind them to purchase again.
  • Consideration campaign to help reach new shoppers that have looked in the category, but are not familiar with her brand
  • None of the above
  • The ad doesn’t provide clear statistics.
  • The ad doesn’t include any promotion.
  • The ad isn’t compelling.
  • The ad contains too many characters.
  • There is an opportunity to help high-intent shoppers discover the brand’s product while they are in this research stage.
  • Shoppers are less likely to purchase if they leave after the discovery phase.
  • Shoppers are more likely to purchase another brand’s products after a certain length of time.
  • True
  • False
  • Always-on sponsored ads, with display ads during peak season
  • Always-on display ads, with sponsored ads during peak season
  • Always-on video ads, with display ads during peak season
  • Always-on sponsored and display ads
  • Promote awareness by advertising the brand on the box
  • Neither option is possible
  • Promote a specific product on the branded box
  • Link out campaigns
  • Link in campaigns
  • True
  • False
  • Display ads
  • Sponsored Products
  • Video ads
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Focus on educating shoppers on product details and how-tos.
  • Use sponsored ads to encourage repeat purchases.
  • Build brand recognition with shoppers.
  • Generate awareness
  • Drive conversion
  • Build consideration
  • Build loyalty
  • Link out campaign
  • Link in campaign
  • Amazon original video content
  • Amazon on box ads
  • Pop-up stores
  • Amazon Easter eggs
  • Compliment a sponsored ad campaign by adding display ads.
  • Use both Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands
  • Launch an out-of-home custom solution to compliment a sponsored ad campaign.
  • Incorporate a video component into a display campaign.
  • Use sponsored ads with video ads to reach customers in loyalty stage
  • Use Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands to reach customers in consideration and purchases stages
  • Use display and video ads to reach customers in purchase stage
  • Use display ads with sponsorships to reach customers in awareness stage
  • Reach customers via Amazon’s homepage
  • Reach a narrow selection of customers
  • Reach customers where they are
  • Reach customers with OOH placements that are brought into their homes
  • True
  • False
  • Consideration and purchase
  • Awareness and purchase
  • Awareness and loyalty
  • Purchase and loyalty
  • False
  • True
  • Link in campaign
  • Link out campaign
  • Advertisers can use the audience planning tool to request insights from other brands.
  • The audience planning tool assesses the estimated number of customers that are engaged in the advertiser’s brand at each stage of the customer journey.
  • The audience planning tool can be used to help inform advertising strategies across each stage of the customer journey.
  • Advertisers can only use the audience planning tool to understand insights surrounding their own brands.
  • Video ads
  • Display ads
  • Out-of-home custom solutions
  • Sponsored Products
  • Place a pixel on the landing page and all subsequent pages of the quote form until the submission page.
  • Rely on conversion metrics without the use of pixels.
  • Place a pixel on the landing page only.
  • Place a pixel on the last page of the quote form only.
  • Purchase frequency
  • Overlap reports
  • Demographic
  • Timing
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Products
  • There is a reporting error.
  • Shunsuke’s brand’s presence had grown on Amazon as a result of the campaign from months prior.
  • Another advertiser must be promoting Shunsuke’s brand.
  • Campaigns in the same category are driving awareness of Shunsuke’s brand.
  • Sponsored Products
  • Video ads
  • Display ads
  • Out-of-home custom solution
  • Demographic
  • Purchase frequency
  • Overlap reports
  • Timing
  • True
  • False
  • Use overlap reports to understand the shared attributes of her audiences and other similar audiences on Amazon.
  • Use Sponsored Products to reach existing in-market demand for her brand’s products.
  • Use timing insights to understand the time of day her audience is purchasing on Amazon.
  • Use retail insights to understand baseline traffic and performance of her brand on Amazon.
  • True
  • False
  • Custom landing pages developed by Amazon
  • Easter eggs using unique shopping queries
  • Video content as a co-marketing campaign with Amazon
  • Experiential advertising campaigns such as pop-up stores
  • The overlapping audience is larger than 20% of all Amazon audiences.
  • The overlapping audience is 20% similar to the average audience on Amazon.
  • The overlapping audience is twice as likely to interact with the brand than the average audience on Amazon.
  • The overlapping audience is twice as likely to fall into the audience selected for the report than the average audience on Amazon.
  • The content on the landing page should match the 25% off offer.
  • The ad should direct to an Amazon page.
  • The offer should be increased.
  • How popular certain keywords are
  • Top three products purchased
  • Your creatives’ performance
  • All phases of your customers’ journey on Amazon
  • Access to in-stream video placements on exclusive Amazon inventory
  • Access to premium placements on Amazon’s homepage
  • Access to Amazon’s video studios
  • Access to out-stream video placements on third-party properties
  • Be used to draw insights from performance of advertising strategies
  • Assess performance of products on and off Amazon
  • Inform keyword and bid strategy
  • Inform offline advertising strategies
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • Overlap reports
  • Retail insights
  • Audience planning tool
  • Audience insights
  • Purchase
  • Consideration
  • Awareness
  • Loyalty

Introduction to Amazon Ads Campaign Planning

Planning an Amazon Ads campaign involves several key steps to ensure effectiveness and ROI. Here’s a structured approach:

1. Set Clear Goals

  • Define what you want to achieve: sales, brand awareness, product visibility, etc.
  • Establish specific KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) like conversion rate, ROI, click-through rate (CTR), etc.

2. Understand Your Target Audience

  • Use Amazon’s audience insights and analytics to understand who buys your products.
  • Segment your audience based on demographics, interests, and buying behavior.

3. Keyword Research

  • Identify relevant keywords potential customers might use to search for your products.
  • Use tools like Amazon’s own keyword tool, or third-party tools like Google Keyword Planner.

4. Competitive Analysis

  • Study your competitors’ strategies: Which keywords are they targeting? What are their pricing strategies?
  • Identify gaps and opportunities in the market.

5. Budget Planning

  • Determine your budget based on your goals and competitive landscape.
  • Decide on your bidding strategy (automatic vs. manual bidding).

6. Ad Types and Formats

  • Choose the right ad types: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display.
  • Tailor your ad creative to appeal to your target audience and align with Amazon’s guidelines.

7. Campaign Structure

  • Organize your campaigns by product category, target audience, or marketing objective.
  • Set up ad groups within each campaign based on keyword themes or product variations.

8. Ad Copy and Creative

  • Craft compelling ad copy that highlights unique selling points and encourages clicks.
  • Use high-quality images or videos that showcase your product effectively.

9. Monitoring and Optimization

  • Regularly monitor campaign performance using Amazon’s reporting tools.
  • Adjust bids, keywords, and targeting based on performance data to improve ROI.
  • A/B test different ad creatives and messaging to optimize performance.

10. Review and Refine

  • Continuously review your campaign’s effectiveness against your goals.
  • Stay updated with Amazon’s platform changes and adapt your strategy accordingly.

By following these steps and continuously refining your strategy based on performance data, you can create effective Amazon Ads campaigns that drive sales and maximize your ROI.

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